All Living Things Multi-Level Small Animal Cage

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May 7, 2012
Has anyone tried these cages out? All Living Things Multi-Level Small Animal Cage
It seems Petsmart around here doesn't sell FN or CN anymore and are selling these instead. :hmm:
I already have a FN and love it, but I plan to get a couple more chins later on, and will need another cage(s) before then so I'm looking at what is available (without having to deal with mail order).
It's a much cheaper version of the FN cages. For that amount of money, I would just buy the Ferret Nation.
It does look like a FN/CN knock off :( and for the price, I too would get a FN or CN. While they may be hard to find locally...but there's always ebay, amazon & other online retailers...many of which offer sales from time to time
Yeah, that's what I figured. I know their are online places, it's just that I live out in the country (down about 10 minutes or so of dirt roads once you leave the pavement) so I only have a po box in town, no one delivers out here.
Not really, the only friends and family I have around here (within a couple hundred miles and in Canada) don't live inside a town or city either. I can however have it mailed UPS to a store in town and pick it up there, just more hassle is all, especially if it ends up being broken or bent and need to be sent back (town is about an hour round trip). Just a price I pay to not have to deal with people on a regular basis I guess, lol.
That's probably going to be your best option. I live in a rural area, any place that sells ANYTHING is a 20min drive one way (so 40min round trip) and that's basic stuff like groceries. My pet stuff has to be gotten in a bigger town which is a 40min drive one way (so 1hr 20min round trip) so I try to limit trips and make the most of them when I have to. Trust me, you'll want to go with the better quality. I mean, they may both be great products...but without a firsthand account of the quality you're better off with the "tried and true" option.
This explains why they were selling the FNs for so cheap for a while there. I was wondering what the deal was, not that I am complaining since I got a double unit for $110 plus shipping :)
That's probably going to be your best option. I live in a rural area, any place that sells ANYTHING is a 20min drive one way (so 40min round trip) and that's basic stuff like groceries. My pet stuff has to be gotten in a bigger town which is a 40min drive one way (so 1hr 20min round trip) so I try to limit trips and make the most of them when I have to. Trust me, you'll want to go with the better quality. I mean, they may both be great products...but without a firsthand account of the quality you're better off with the "tried and true" option.

Yep, between me and town there is only farms and houses. Closest stores at all are half hour away, and the closest pet store is in the city 2 hours away, though I am able to get some supplies at the farm stores in town.
I was hoping someone might have at least seen the All Living Things cage in a store set up or something, but I guess not. All I could see was the pic on the box, and it does look a lot like the CN. I now regret not buying two FN when they had them in Petsmart up here, though I hadn't planned to get more chins at that point.
I have, that's why I said they are cheap imitations. I had an All Living Things cage just like that and it was junk. There were sharp edges, the doors didn't hang right, the wheels stuck. Just not the quality of the FN.
I have, that's why I said they are cheap imitations. I had an All Living Things cage just like that and it was junk. There were sharp edges, the doors didn't hang right, the wheels stuck. Just not the quality of the FN.

Oh ok, thank you. :thumbsup: