Accident that could hav happened.

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2009
Let first start this by saying that no I didn't see anything to signal a pregnancy when this breeding could have happened and secound I am not blaming my parents what my parents did was not their fault they were just stressed at that the time and we were all ignorant of the sex of my now male chinchilla (chichi).

Around chirstmas as many of you may know it is a stressful time. My parents were rushing around a lot this year finding presents and make my family very happy. Now here is what happened. My mom who thought at the time that puttting the two chinchilla together wouldn't be that hard and they have been right next to each other for a long time why don't we put the females together. Remember there was a little problem, we didn't know they were opposite sexes. Also, this cage is 48" high and it is a lot of room. The other one was in a much smaller cage and seemed happy but we wanted to give her more room. Also, we planned to put the chinchillas together (male/male or female/female) from the start or when we got them. I didn't disagree I didn't like the idea because I had some idea that there could be a problem, but after a little of bickering we decided that the space could be used for something else. So we put them together on a late night before christmas (a few days before). I had the idea to make the maintence less and just to make the area more interesting. Good for everyone. So they were happy for 30 seconds but then chichi tried to jump on Hannah. We got them out before anything happened, but we knew now that chichi was not a girl and Hannah was a girl. Here is the story. I need to go now. I will write more later.
"humping" is a dominance thing... so they COULD still be the same sex... have you had help sexing them, or do you know how to tell them apart?
Yep, It is late so it makes no sense to check it out right now. I will do it sometime over the weekend. I am pretty sure he is a he unless Hannah is a boy. That would be stupid.
Hannahdear - I've about had my fill of your fabrications and BS. Why does this forum have to be subjected to this same song and dance over and over again?

Oh wait, it doesn't. Find something else to post about, or don't post.
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