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sheena lee

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2011
Montreal, QC
Our new chinchilla Abby that we got from Saphire Chinchillas came home today! She's the sweetest thing, very gentle and soft. She let us hold her for a bit, but quickly went into hiding once she was in her cage. She started exploring once we left the room for a while, and seems to be settling in well. I'm very exciting to start bonding with her! :))

Onto photos! They're not amazing, but I didn't want to freak her out by shoving a big DSLR into her face just yet! (Which I'm sure she'll get used to quickly - Chia has!)





She's just so pretttyyyyy. <3
She is gorgeous! I wish I could pet her through my computer screen! Congrats on your new addition :thumbsup:
She is very purty!!! And only one poo in the whole set of pictures! That's pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. ;)
Thanks guys!! She's settling in very well so far. She'll come up to me if I open the cage, and she'll touch her nose to mine. She's still skittish though! I'm hoping I'll be able to get some photos tomorrow, but she spends most of her time hidden in her tube so it's hard to get a good shot.
Happy she is settling well Sheena Lee (gosh I like your name). She is a gentle girl. I like her alot. I did find it hard to let her go. Actually all of them, but Abby has this little something different.
I know you and Claude are great guardians, I have seen it with chai. Looking forward to seeing the girls together in time.

Christiane, I can imagine it would be hard to give up a chinchilla :( or any animal for that matter! I cried for two days when I gave my baby squirrel away, and I only had him for a week! But I'll have tons of photos as you know - cant not take photos of chins!!

We're really excited to introduce the two girls! They have such different personalities and temperaments, I cant wait to see how they get along :))
She's beautiful! LOVE the purple, and print fleece set you have too!

Purple is my favorite!! When we though Chia was a boy, I had bought all blue and green fleece... and when we learned she was a girl, I wanted to keep some of the blue but still have some girliness, so I got the flowers with blue for her. Then when I was getting fleece for Abby, I decided that I'd get the flowers with purple, so that when they live in the same cage, everything will be matchy and cute! I'm a bit crazy with matching - I blame 6 years of design school...

A few more pics!!


My boyfriend got Chia to sit on his hands :))

Such cute pictures! Love the pic of her getting scritches, it always makes me smile to see them like that!