<33 Here some pics of my chinnies <33

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2009
Chester, Va
I havent posted pics on here yet so i figured id go ahead and do so now...I have 2 standards, a violet and a beige. These fuzzy babies mean a lot to me! I hope you all like the pics....
The first pic is Baby one of the standards....
the second pic is Skittles the other standard....
the third is the violet her name is Chincha...
and last but not least is my beige her name is Sandy...
Hope you all like them! :)


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What cuties although I do believe you swapped around the beige and violet. I am surprised you have 4 chins getting along in one cage. You don't need to ramp there though, chins are jumpers and they can get they toes stuck on the ramp.
Be careful with those hammocks...they can/might chew the straps and that's not safe. Also, the ramps can catch foots/legs and break them easily. It's happened too many times to mention.

And I'm curious as to what the base board looking things you have in your cage are made of? What kind of wood?

In the future, chins need to be quarantined for 30 days in separate rooms and then slowly introduced after that. They can spread diseases to each other if Q isn't done. Also, if not introduced properly they could kill each other overnight or when you're not there...
I believe it was menagerie's Lily that got her leg caught in a ramp like that, so yes, I wouldnt definately advise you to remove it.

I also agree with removing that hammock. You can find some real cute fleece ones from someone like Alli instead. Or check out the classifieds for other sellers.

Quarantine is pretty crucial when introducing new chins into your home. Not only does it give you a chance to observe them for any health issues, it lets them settle into their surroundings and let's their gut flora adjust to the new environment.

They are very cute chins though. :)
I probably shouldn't butt in, but I'm just wondering if I missed where she said anything about how she intro'd them. I notice people talking about quarantine, but I don't see anywhere where it says she didn't quarantine or didn't get them altogether at the same time from a breeder for that matter. Maybe I missed another thread...just curious.

They are very precious, though. I love the chinnie pile in the last pic!
I probably shouldn't butt in, but I'm just wondering if I missed where she said anything about how she intro'd them. I notice people talking about quarantine, but I don't see anywhere where it says she didn't quarantine or didn't get them altogether at the same time from a breeder for that matter. Maybe I missed another thread...just curious.

They are very precious, though. I love the chinnie pile in the last pic!

This thread states that she got two new girls on April 1st:

I can't stress how important a 30 day quarantine is for new chins! You do have very cute girls though. =D
How adorable, I have four girls in a cage and they are fine together they have been together for a bit over almost a two years now actually.

Just my two cents but be careful with the platic igloo thing they are piled on, may certain they are not chewing.
so cute.
we got ours from the same mommy who rocks!!!!
I actually got them from the same breeder who told me if would be fine. I got the beige and violet a week after i got my 2 standards. the breeder told me that they would be fine to just block the top of the cage from the bottom (FN) so i did and they did fine for the first few days (sniffing each other through it) and then i put them together....and they have been fne ever since....and the base board looking things are pine (the good kind0 the breeder also told me that they were fine. And about the ramps...i know they are dangerous...they have been taking out since right after i took these pics. I have a few of the wood ledges in there but i am planning on purchasing lots more! (:) Oh and about the hammock...it is fleece and again breeder told me that it's not going to hurt them. Ooooooops and btw i did get the captions mixed up with the pics...lol but hopefully everyone understands...(:)
The outside of the hammock is not fleece and can be chewed, and the straps of the hammock are not safe. I do believe I remember a chin getting tangled in the straps, and I've definately heard of chins chewing those straps.
I got the beige and violet a week after i got my 2 standards. the breeder told me that they would be fine to just block the top of the cage from the bottom (FN) so i did and they did fine for the first few days (sniffing each other through it) and then i put them together....

Not to burst your bubble, but quarantine should be done in separate cages / separate rooms. Wouldn't want anyone to get sick.

Cute girls though, I love a pretty violet and standards are always great.
Disease can move through a heard really quickly, could have infected the herd right after your first girls left. While yes it is probably fine that you put them all together, why would you even chance the health of a pet that relies on you completely for their health and well being and everything?

Also I concur about the hammock and the ramps and the igloo.

I do love a good chinpile pic and thats a good one.
cute pics!! :)

just a question while on the topic of
quarentine... should you 100% do
it all the time, or only if you are unsure
of where the chin comes from.
this may be a silly question or the
wrong place to ask but I am just wanting
to make sure If I do get another chin to
do it propertly :)
cute pics!! :)

just a question while on the topic of
quarentine... should you 100% do
it all the time, or only if you are unsure
of where the chin comes from.
this may be a silly question or the
wrong place to ask but I am just wanting
to make sure If I do get another chin to
do it propertly :)

Yes, because it's not only to protect their health, it's to let them settle in and get used to their surroundings. They don't need the stress of a new environment coupled with additional stress of new chins around them. Plus, it allows their gut flora to get used to the new environment as well.
Very cute herd. I have a wire ramp in one of my cages but its not bars across. It has micro small squares and I don't worry about that. ( adult chins only ) If your chins are too small to jump up to the next level you could put a wood house at that stepping off area. Has worked well for me with young chins. If your budget is tight I can make you a fleece hammock. I'm over in Chesterfield. Would be a single.
In the past I've had to use a plastic hut because I had a couple that were large and fought over space.( I will add they hated any new large wood house I put in ) So my hand was forced on the plastic giant hut.
Make sure you have huge amounts of chew toys and hay to keep the teeth worn down. That seemed to deter my girls from using the igloo. They will chew it a bit out of discovery. At least in my experience.
You need to quarantine not only for just bacteria and health reasons, but also because their gut flora is different in different houses. Even if you buy from the same breeder, your chins at home have aclimated to your house, and the breeder's chins to her house. It takes a month or so to get the bacteria to the same levels, thus decreasing the chances of them getting sick, or getting one another sick. A new chin also needs to settle in, and a month is a good amount of time for them to relax and get used to the new surroundings. Throwing them in with a new chin, a new cage, a new human, a new house, new food, etc. is very stressful and stress can kill chins.

Congrats on the new cuties though, they are priceless.
Your chins are all adorable and hopefully they will continue to all get along as well as they do now.

I have ramps in my cage that will be replaced with more ledges one of these days, but until then, I just sewed on fleece over the ramps so there is no chance of getting injured on them.
they really are cute! but I am sure you see that hee hee

and thanks for the help Kay and chantel, sorry to ask here, I am glad I know for sure :)
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the straps are only 2" long....they never chew the straps. I keep a close eye on them when they are in it or near it....but thanks anyway. :)
Not to burst your bubble, but quarantine should be done in separate cages / separate rooms. Wouldn't want anyone to get sick.

Cute girls though, I love a pretty violet and standards are always great.

Well i asked the breeder about 3 times if it was okayy the way i explained and she said "yes" that there should be no problem. I figured it would be okay seeing that the woman who raised all 4 of the chins that i have has a lot of years in experience with the chins. But as of right now the chins cuddle together all teh time to sleep and they haven't even barked at eachother yet "thankfully". But i appreciate the advice. Thank you !