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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Chin won't eat hay

    Good morning, all! I have a chin that I adopted from a girl that couldn't afford him money/time wise due to a life change and he is THE BEST. He's very social and loves my daughter and myself. For the past month he's been eating his pellets and hay with gusto. I've added in some twiggies I...
  2. TeaEarlGreyHot

    warning calls when asleep. SO CUTE!

    The ONLY time my boy makes noise is in his sleep!
  3. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Loosing my job

    I used to work for allergists when I lived in NC. If you are going to an accredited university they require you to have insurance, but you might have to wait until the start of spring semester to sign up for it now. You'd have to check with them. My husband just finished grad school and it cost...
  4. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Several Questions- FN ?s included

    Oh, that's a very great idea! Living in WI I need a place to put everyone's snow boots!
  5. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Several Questions- FN ?s included

    I really can't tell with the fleece where there is pee. He does still have a TON of pee in his litter area at all times. I used an old fleece blanket doubled before the fleece you made got to me... he peed all over that fleece blanket, no particular corner. I'm laundering all the fleece the same...
  6. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Several Questions- FN ?s included

    I am newer to owning a chinchilla- I'm not new to learning how to properly and fully care for a small animal and I catch on very quickly and research everything fully. I've searched these forums and either not found any information or I've found info that's 3 years old and wondered if there's...
  7. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Issues with FN181 assembly

    Being new it takes awhile for my comments to post, so between this afternoon and this evening my husband figured out that if he hammered it just a little on every side while the pieces were in place(just body weight didn't do it) it opened up the holes a little enough to let the feet of the...
  8. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Issues with FN181 assembly

    Has anyone else got a new FN 181? Mine came today and just looking at all the parts they look fine, nothing LOOKS bent. But I get all the way to the side panels part and the left foot on each panel does not line up with the frame at all. I googled this and searched CnH first and found that...
  9. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Surprising Pet Makes Kids Smarter

    There are no actual study findings in here except for some numbers. But I, myself, have a chinchilla and I have a 7 year old daughter. I think just by her watching how to properly take care of a chin and she just joins in for playtime with the chin that she is SO much calmer and more mothering...
  10. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Wisconsin MCBA show October 13

    Haha! I really enjoyed your take on it all. I really did want to know how you guys feel being ones showing your animals! I can relate this to audition weekends (I was a Flute performance major) where you find a corner to warm up in (so other people auditioning dont "eves drop" on how you sound)...
  11. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Whos chins bang and pull on cage doors when wanting out???

    My chin knows the taste of freedom as well... He will leap out the door the first chance he can squeeze his little self past my hand. Luckily, both times in the past two days he's jumped onto me and I put him back (will he figure out that if I put him back that jumping onto me does not equal...
  12. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Wisconsin MCBA show October 13

    I'll be there, I've never been to a show but I live in Madison and can't pass this up! I'm genuinely curious about all that you guys do to show all of your chins! What goes on for you guys that bring animals to show?
  13. TeaEarlGreyHot

    Washing Fleece

    You can just use a tiny bit of detergent, the key is to do an extra rinse and then no fabric softner/dryer sheets. If your fleece starts to smell even after washing and drying you can try and try it in full sunlight (even through a window will work- but not as good as outside). This is the...
  14. TeaEarlGreyHot

    The name game..what in your chins name?

    I have a black velvet named Nibbler. He came with that name but enjoying Futurama I wanted to keep the name, and it's cute for a chin anyway :)