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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. I

    Losing weight, lethargic

    Hi All, It's been awhile since I last posted. Approximately 4 years ago I moved across continents and brought my chins with me. Unfortunately, 1 is really sick right now and I'm at a lost because I'm having a hard time finding a vet who knows anything about chinchillas. I've called several and...
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    Very lethargic chin, no appetite

    Bleeding!! This morning (it's already Thursday morning in Southeast Asia), I found Tubby in his tube and his tube was full of blood (warning, gory photo). Seems like he's pooping blood and it's diarrhea consistency. Now I'm just waiting until it's 9 a.m. so I can call the vet again. At this...
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    Very lethargic chin, no appetite

    On Sunday, I let Tubby out for playtime in the bathroom. He managed to jump onto the sink and jumped off the sink onto the floor. Right afterwards, he was super lethargic like I've never seen him before. I thought that he had broken his leg because it was quite a distance to jump from the sink...
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    Wood & Treats

    Do you ship internationally?
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    Wood & Treats

    Is it alright if my shipping address is different than my Paypal billing address?
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    Cute Overload

    My Tubby & Winnie have been featured on :-) Here's Tubby. Photo from here. And here's Winnie. He likes to snuggle in my robe during the colder months. Here's Tubby in the same robe Winnie was in.
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    Is barking bad?

    My chins bark in their sleep (yes, they sleep-bark) & they bark just to get my attention. One of them used to bark the instant I turned off the lights, but not anymore. I also had a TV that was kept on throughout the night in the chinchilla room. The volume was super soft, but I think the images...
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    A chinchilla bites more often lately

    He lets me scratch him but he doesn't like me petting his back (he doesn't like being dominated & my hand on his back is similar to another chinchilla mounting him). I don't think he's tasting me just because his bites are accompanied by the "kack" sounds. Even though his bites are not hard...
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    A chinchilla bites more often lately

    I have 2 chinchillas who don't get a long, Winnie & Tubby, & they live separately. When it's their out-of-cage playtime, I do musical chairs with them (more like musical cage), so that they'll never get to see each other. Most of the times, when Winnie smells Tubby on my hand, Winnie will do a...
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    Diarrhea and Weight Loss?

    Diarrhea is very serious with chins. Both my chins have had diarrhea in the past. One time it was because I gave him dried fruit, which I never do anymore. Another time, I took them traveling with me and the stress of the car ride gave them diarrhea. Another time, I think it might have been the...
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    Interesting fact that I wouldn't be surprised of

    From OMG Facts:
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    Contacting the managers of regarding flying with chinchillas

    I was on the phone with several airlines the other day & I was really frustrated. US Airways & American Airlines only allow cats & dogs, all other pets must travel in the cargo plane. United and Delta allow hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits to travel as checked-in baggage, but chinchillas must...
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    Contacting the managers of regarding flying with chinchillas

    Thanks for all the replies. Honestly, I'm most concern about the domestic flight from the mid-west to the west coast. I've sorted things out for the international-leg of the flight (chins are legal in the country I'm going to & they'll be flying in the same plane as me, but in the cargo section...
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    Contacting the managers of regarding flying with chinchillas

    Once I reach the west coast, I'd have to take a connecting international flight, so I'd feel safer knowing that my chins are with me. If they were on a different flight, they might be delayed etc etc etc. I've read someplace that the Ryerson carriers are not accepted because they are not of the...
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    Contacting the managers of regarding flying with chinchillas

    Hey, I know that Laurie Schmelzle owns the site where she sells Jim Ritterspach's chinchillas. Do any of you happen to know of Laurie Schmelzle or Jim Ritterspach? The reason why I'm asking is because I'm very interested in contacting either of them to ask about how to...
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    Can hedgehogs swim?

    Hey! I normally post in the chinchilla side of the forum, but I came across this video on youtube: It's such a cute video but I can't help to have some questions as I know nothing about hedgehogs: -Can all hedgehogs swim? -Are pet...
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    Which Purina?

    I know that Purina changed the formula of their rabbit feed earlier this year. Currently my chins are on Mazuri & they've never had any problems with it. Recently I bought a sample of PANR (must be the old formula) & fed it to my chins & they seem to eat more of it compared to the Mazuri, so I'm...
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    Biodegradable bedding

    Thanks for the replies. I just want to make sure that the aspen bedding I use for the chins can be used as compost (in case the aspen has been treated in a way that is not good for the soil).
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    Biodegradable bedding

    I currently use Kaytee aspen & I was wondering if it's biodegradable (if I could dump it in my compost pile). If it's not, do you know what brands sell biodegradable bedding? I know that Carefresh is biodegradable, but it's expensive. Thanks.
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    How Does He Do That??

    Sometimes I'm amazed at what my chins can carry. I've seen my grey standard carry around blocks of wood that I purchased from Barbi, from the bottom floor all the way to the second floor (I have a Ferret Nation). He only does that to the chew pieces that he really enjoys.