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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Sheena

    raccoon babies

    Awww, how stinking cute! Crazy to think how fast they get mean, isn't it? lol
  2. Sheena

    Dog rescued from debris at sea from tsunami after 3 weeks

    Wow, That truly is amazing that he was able to survive that long without food, water, etc. So glad he was found and rescued!
  3. Sheena

    Finally got my chinchilla!

    Congrats! It is exciting when you get your first chinchilla. Glad you two are getting along so well. I agree about color-sounds like he may be beige, but can't tell without pictures.
  4. Sheena

    The dreaded mummified kit...

    Wow, I am very sorry this happened. :( I used to breed, but got out of it a few years back. I was lucky enough to never have something like this happen to me or my chinchillas. Just goes to show that these things can happen to anyone though! Even the most experienced breeders with good quality...
  5. Sheena

    Resucued a guinea pig-strong stomachs only!

    LOL, that is funny about the tomato. I checked out that guinea lynx site a bity lastnight and it has a lot of useful info! Thanks for suggesting it everyone!
  6. Sheena

    Anyone have a gas stove and a cat?

    I have a gas stove and also have 2 large dogs and a cat. I mean, my cat knows better than to get on the counter or stove, but have never had a problem with them turning on the stove or anything like that. I had one cat who got on the counters all the time, and I couldn't break her of it (That...
  7. Sheena

    Resucued a guinea pig-strong stomachs only!

    Is iceburg lettuce really toxic? I would have never guessed. I mean, I figured the darker lettuce was better for them because it makes sense that the lighter in color it is, the more water it has in it, and the less nutrients, but I wouldn't think it could be toxic?? I am happy I rescued him...
  8. Sheena

    Resucued a guinea pig-strong stomachs only!

    Oh, sorry, I forgot to say I named him Rodney, like the guinea pig from Dr. Doolittle. lol. I don;t have any pics of him yet, and dont have internet at my house (Am at my mom's), sorry. He is all black with longer fur though. Quick question...are they supposed to have little bald spots behind...
  9. Sheena

    Resucued a guinea pig-strong stomachs only!

    Yeah, forgot to mention that...also got him on timothy hay. Yeah I totally doubt he was on any fresh fruit or veggies. Oh, he absolutely loves carrots. lol. I also gave him some fresh, untreated, uncut grass the other day and he tore it up. I kind of figured I would have to deal with the...
  10. Sheena

    Resucued a guinea pig-strong stomachs only!

    Yep, I got him some vitamin C treats that taste like orange. He loves them! Have been giving him lettuce and carrots. Tried giving him cucumbers and green peppers, but he wouldnt eat them. Figured that was just a preference. I will check out the site. Thanks so much!
  11. Sheena

    Resucued a guinea pig-strong stomachs only!

    So, the other day after my friends bridal shower, we swung by her dad's house to drop some stuff off. On his porch was this little black guinea pig in a big, nasty, rusty dog crate. I asked him where it came from and he told me someone he knows dropped it off there because they didnt want it. He...
  12. Sheena

    My first pedigreed babies!

    Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing kits is always hard, but if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. I will say some prayers for you and for the little kit. I hope you feel a little bit better about this, and know that it wasn't your fault. Sometimes these things just happen. :(
  13. Sheena

    Well this is a first for me...

    Well i guess that makes sense then :)
  14. Sheena

    My first pedigreed babies!

    Very adorable! Congrats!
  15. Sheena

    Well this is a first for me...

    I found this add when I was browsing around on Craigslist. They are offering degus for sale and saying they are (mini chinchillas). I have never heard of them referred to as that. Anyone else ever heard of that or is this just someone trying to make their animals sound more exotic? lol. Either...