I need an answer quick!

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Quick question, i dont see how to order from her??? Sorry if thats a kinda dumb question, i couldn't even find an email... but also about how long does it take them to make it?

I did find the email on the sales page and emailed about a week ago with no answer. I need carriers since we will be moving but if anyone knows of a different way to contact them that would be great! I know someone mentioned on another thread they had been waiting months for their order. I guess I'll have to go thru someone else.
If you can't get ahold of her, chins-to-go make really good carriers-they are a bit bigger, you can fit a toy and food dish with room to spare. [email protected] or call Debbie at 916 991-9164. Here is a pic

I just ordered some from Ryersons, and my dad was wonderings if we take a box and put some bubblewrap inside to insulate it, can we put that on the floor then put the chins on top of that??
It's not really about the floor so much as being exposed to the engine heat coming from front, and direct road heat from the bottom. Do what you feel comfortable with.

Metal conducts heat. Cars are like giant ovens on wheels.

Hopefully you won't have any issues. Have a safe trip!
Well i want to know what y'all would do, like i cant really stack them up on anything, so what would keep them away from the heat??
My chins ride in the back of my SUV for evacuations and we just make sure to keep the interior of the car VERY cool at all times. I also put fleece covered frozen water bottles in their travel cages.
Have you looked into getting a collapsible cage that you can bring along and set up at night in the hotels or something? I loaned mine to Rick for the Arlington chin run, and he travelled with them folded down flat, and popped them up at night to give the chins more room to move around during the evening hours when they were awake. That worked out well. Quality Cage makes collapsible cages for as little as $45 each.
Whiskers, is there truely no where else for two chins to ride in the car besides the floorboard? I find that a little hard to believe. Everyone has said do not put them in the floorboard regardless of how you put them there. We are speaking from actual stories of the chins being killed from the heat. Bubble wrap and in a box is just going to create circulation problems and probably make it worse.

Be safe rather than sorry and don't put them down there in box or on a blanket or at all.

Put them up in the seat or on someones lap. Since your probably not going to be driving put them on your lap or on the seat next to you.
"Well i want to know what y'all would do, like i cant really stack them up on anything, so what would keep them away from the heat??"


Have you read the posts people have posted? Many of us have already stated what we would do to keep our animals safe.

You are looking for an "ok" you are not going to get it. Everyone has offered advice, cautioned you to NOT put them on the floor. In the end it is your choice, and we can't control what you do. Since you aren't taking peoples advice, go ahead and do with YOUR animals as you please. Hopefully they'll be ok. If not, please do not come to us looking for support for we've tried to help you here and now.

Good Luck.
Whiskers...where there is a will there is a way. Even with a packed car my chinchillas are in the seat next to me or in someone's lap. When I'm going to shows the entire backseat is dedicated to chin carriers and if I'm driving during the day a piece of cardboard or towel goes over the carrier to block out the sun.

You need to figure out how you can have a chin on the seat. With a sturdy carrier some items can be stacked on top of the carrier but they need to stay up off the floor. It gets hot down there...
I've done a 3 day move with 8 chins and 3 cats and I'm about to do it again.
The carriers were on the seat of the moving van with me. Cats and other people in our suv. I made sure they had good airflow but, blocked from direct sun. I also have a digital thermometer that shows temp and humidity. I always stick that to the carrier when I travel so I can monitor the temp where the chins are. I have larger hole carriers so, I attach a feed dish with a small amount of pellets and give them a wood chew. You will find that they may be antsy at first but, before long they will go to sleep and not have a care in the world.
When we stopped at night, I put on their water bottles(used bottled spring water) and placed the carriers in the tub. I found that was easiest to clean up random poo and shavings plus having them in the bathroom kept them away from the cats and reduced their noise.
One last tip, I found Red Roof Inn to be a decent pet friendly hotel chain. No charge or limit, didn't even ask what I had!
"Well i want to know what y'all would do, like i cant really stack them up on anything, so what would keep them away from the heat??"


Have you read the posts people have posted? Many of us have already stated what we would do to keep our animals safe.

You are looking for an "ok" you are not going to get it. Everyone has offered advice, cautioned you to NOT put them on the floor. In the end it is your choice, and we can't control what you do. Since you aren't taking peoples advice, go ahead and do with YOUR animals as you please. Hopefully they'll be ok. If not, please do not come to us looking for support for we've tried to help you here and now.

Good Luck.
Yea um, so im sorry i can't control what my dad wants to do, hes not letting me go in the car with them, he is driving with a co worker, and im taking a plane, believe me, im dieing to ride in the car with them, and i'm freaking out and hyperventilating and REALLY worried about them... My dad doesn't want them riding in my co workers lap obviously and we are pulling the back seats in the car out, and the dogs will be in the crates in the back, so i was hoping they could go somewhere up front, so im sorry that i am troubling you by asking for other possible solutions...
Yea um, so im sorry i can't control what my dad wants to do, hes not letting me go in the car with them, he is driving with a co worker, and im taking a plane, believe me, im dieing to ride in the car with them, and i'm freaking out and hyperventilating and REALLY worried about them... My dad doesn't want them riding in my co workers lap obviously and we are pulling the back seats in the car out, and the dogs will be in the crates in the back, so i was hoping they could go somewhere up front, so im sorry that i am troubling you by asking for other possible solutions...

If your dad doesn't understand that your chinchillas can DIE...then why are you entrusting him with their lives? You need to fully explain what is going on to him and if you have to...you should talk to his coworker personally and see if it's possible for him/her to put a towel on their lap and hold the chins up there. The safety of YOUR chinchillas is at stake, don't be upset with people for responding in a less than happy way when you keep giving excuses for WHY you can't do it the right way.
If your dad doesn't understand that your chinchillas can DIE...then why are you entrusting him with their lives? You need to fully explain what is going on to him and if you have to...you should talk to his coworker personally and see if it's possible for him/her to put a towel on their lap and hold the chins up there. The safety of YOUR chinchillas is at stake, don't be upset with people for responding in a less than happy way when you keep giving excuses for WHY you can't do it the right way.
Im doing everything in my power to make sure they are okay, you don't understand how much them being all right and comfortable is to me, and i will do everything i can to make sure they will be alright, i'm just trying to find a possible solution before i have to go spend $200+ for me to get them on a plane, but if it comes to me doing that then i will...
I mean even if they are in the back but on top of suitcases or boxes and

1)wedged so they can't fall
2)can get air circulation and
3)out of the sun

that would be preferable to the floorboard...

If it were me and my parent was being stubborn I would show them this thread. You have plenty of adults on here telling you what is appropriate travel conditions and what is not. I understand it can be hard for parents to listen to you when you're their kid because they think you are just being picky most likely.
I mean even if they are in the back but on top of suitcases or boxes and

1)wedged so they can't fall
2)can get air circulation and
3)out of the sun

that would be preferable to the floorboard...

If it were me and my parent was being stubborn I would show them this thread. You have plenty of adults on here telling you what is appropriate travel conditions and what is not. I understand it can be hard for parents to listen to you when you're their kid because they think you are just being picky most likely.
Yea, i have told them about it, so next i will show them, my mom agrees with me, and i think i can get my dad to also.
Thanks for all the help everyone!