You Know You Own/Are owned by Chinchillas When...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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when you late to work because she doesn't want to end playtime and you don't have the heart to tell her its time
When you read all 17 pages of a post on chins-n-hedgies at 3AM just for fun.

When you find poo in your freezer.

When you have a lifesize tattoo of your first chinchilla taking up the majority of your ribcage :)

When your landlord tells you you can't have chins anymore in your apartment, so you immediately sublet your place, tell your boyfriend he has to sublet, and move to a new place with him by the end of the week, JUST for the sake of the chins.

When your boyfriend wrote a song on guitar for his favorite chin.
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when you have to will yourself to not go into petsmart to see what else is there that is safe and that your furbutt would enjoy destroying :))

When you WORK at PetSmart and can't wait till the semi-annual employee sale cause you have a wish list that just ISN'T getting any smaller. :bliss: