Why the hate?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Religious views are so touchy because people feel so powerfully in in their beliefs. Its something I love about humans as a whole. I love it when people differ in opinion and belief and personality. Its what makes us grow. if we are just surrounded by people who think and believe the same way we do we never grow and change. The Human species needs to be challenged. We need to hear all points of view, then internalize, contemplate and then make our own personal decisions, and (this is one of my biggest qualms with my own generation) not just mindlessly follow what the tv or any media says.

I don't believe that age has much to do with understanding and tolerance or any zen like wisdom. Some older people have it some don't, for every young person like my friend there is just as many people over forty who are just as angry and outspoken in they're beliefs as he is.

I personally love religions, all of them. Its one of my favorite things to read about. I believe every one has something great to offer. And while I'm at it so does being Agnostic or Atheist. What I was so angry about is that he was hiding behind his religion to spread hate.

It was his and his brothers statements following the initial post because they had this underlying sense of "I'm a really great guy but my religion tells me to hate these things." Extremists come in all forms from bombers to those who don't act but preach hate of our fellow humans.

The forum debates all the time about the best feeds, dusts, hays, litter, care, every minute detail of taking care of chinchillas (I don't know about the hedgie side so much, love the pictures. The babies are so horrible they come back to adorable from the other side.:rofl: ) But if we didn't we would never find out about new/alternative feeds, bedding, nutrition, disease treatment. ect.

What can I say, I like understanding people. I don't have to agree with them, I can argue with them its part of being alive. I just have so many issues with understanding malice and hate. Ok, to be honest, I just find hate and discontent exhausting! I find it hurts me more then it hurts what/who I hate.

My brother in-law is special forces. He has yet to be home for one of his oldest daughters birthdays (she's 4, He's not always over there but he's usualy there for 8-15 months and its always during her birthday) and he has the utmost respect for many of the people in the Middle East. We only hear about the terrible things some of the people do. Not about the ones who invite our troops in to dinner and offer more then they can afford. But the media focuses on the bad because thats what sells.:cry3: And its one of the oldest mass manipulation tricks out there, Bread and Circus or Fear and hate.