What's going on?? (Pictures included)

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
New Jersey
I took Milo to the vet last Wednesday because he appeared to have an infected wound of some sort of his arm. The vet prescribed antibiotics, probiotics, and a cleaning solution for it. After further looking at his leg, I no longer believe it is an infected wound.. I don't know what it is. He is starting to get a bald patch on his eye and I fear it's going to turn out like his leg.. What do you all think this is? I think I am going to have to take another trip to the vet soon. Also he is only 4 months old if that means anything..



That's one of the many things I was thinking.. How is fungus treated? And also is it contagious?
It usually is contagious. There is one circumstance that I know of where it's not contagious, but it's only with a certain strain of chins and I'm trying to get more information on it.

Most people treat fungus with dust baths with tinactin in it. I personally use a mix of equal parts Vaseline, iodine, and microconazole and have had great results with it.
Okay, thanks for the information! Do you think I should keep him on the antibiotics and probiotics the vet prescribed? And also should intake him back to the vet?