What can I feed him?

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Dec 28, 2012
I only have regular chin pellets and hay to give him. Everyone keeps talking about giving their chins treats, so what treats would be healthy? I have this one cereal called Fiber One and there is 0 sugar in them, my chin seems to like them. I'm not sure if it's good for him though?
Long time, experienced chin owners rarely give their chins treats. Good quality approved pellets, good quality hay, fresh filtered or reverse osmosis water, and lots of wood chews. That is ALL that your chin needs. You can even spice it up by giving hay cubes now and again.
I second what Tunes said.
The chins here don't get treats from me. They get one when my stepfather 'sneaks' a cheerio down to them, even then it's only one, and he knows not to do it often. Once a week is all I really allow.
I give out new chew sticks and they're just as happy. :)
I give Idgie a few pieces of rolled oats (like Quaker Oats, but not the quick ones) or oat groats. Some days I give her a couple pieces of rose hips (which I buy from someone here online).
I give wood chews, an occasional small, non-sugared shredded wheat, or supplement once or twice a week (from either Fuzzies Kingdom or the Ryersons). I think that there is definitely a tendency to over treat and overall, this could be bad for the health of your chin.
LOL In a year I think the chins here are lucky to get treats maybe a half dozen times. Most of the chins are in the rooms that I don't keep any treats in so they don't get much of anything.

However, if I do give treats, plain shredded wheat is probably the favorite. Followed by apple treats, rosehips, dried papaya, dried apple and very, very occasionally other things. I like to recommend rosehips for pets because of the vitamin C and the fact that they aren't going to really be able to overfeed them as much as other treats.

One treat a day is plenty if treats are given at all. You want the chins to fill up their little bellies with their pellets and hay! Overtreating can lead to picky chins and chins that do not get proper nutrition.

(Like everyone else said....) :D
At most we give ours one rosehip or chin cookies we bought from people here once a week. Sticks are the main treats :)