The Turkey Revenge

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Brings back memories. We had a cranky old Tom, and we were ornery kids. We would tease the poor bird just to get him to chase us!
lol Wild turkeys are evil birds! They travel in packs and I've seen them start pecking at windows, car doors and even jump on top of the hood. That circling was just the beginning.
hahaha oh gosh, i'm glad turkey's didn't do that to me when i was in WI. i would literally cry haha.
That was freaking hysterical! USPS to the rescue! Who knew?? I just about died when the camera started to shake even faster.
I thought the lady brought it on herself. She never seemed to put enough distance between her and the turkey. I wonder if she had on some perfume that he was attracted to, or if he liked her video camera? But whatever it was, it made for some really funny video to watch!
Haha that was hilarious. I remember one time when I was a kid I was playing manhunt in the woods behind my house with some friends. I was walking through the woods when all of the sudden an turkey did a sort of flying run at me, needless to say I screamed and ran away. Wild turkeys freak me out to this day.