tape was stuck, now removed using oil - did i do the wrong thing??

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Active member
Mar 8, 2020
somehow during free roam in a chinproofed area (clearly I did a bad job and am rechecking everything three more times) my girl somehow got a piece of tape stuck to her. i used the smallest amount of olive oil i could get away with to take the tape off her. She's not "tamed" yet so it was extremely stressful for her and I haven't been able to wipe off any of the excess oil. The tape is removed now and i don't think it was ever on her skin, just her fur. do you think it will be ok that she still has some olive oil residue on her fur? i only used a few drops on my fingers... she's home and chilling on a ledge looking sad but she's not focused on her fur or anything like that. should i be worried? i know i messed up and i feel so guilty...
I would try to wipe off as much as you can if any and give her a dust bath. The dust should stick to and absorb the oil and help it clump and come off.