Old girl doesn't jump like she used to 🥺

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Oct 27, 2011
Los Angeles
I have a chin that absolutely loves to run on the wheel but is very timid when it comes to hopping from ledges. She's at least 15yrs and I'm thinking of buying a pet ramp so she can comfortably come out for playtimes.

Have you experienced anything similar with your aging chinchillas? Could she just be scared and need to be "trained" to hop again? She seems physically comfortable/happy when running on the wheel & taking dust baths.
It's not uncommon just like with humans for chins eyesight to fail them as they get older (and they don't really have the best eyesight to begin with). It's not a bad idea to get her checked out at the vet just to rule out anything fixable or treatable, but it could just simply be age, at 15+ she is likely equivalent to at least a human in their 80s. If it is just an age related eyesight issue you can try moving ledges closer so they are more like steps/stairs and even add ramps to make things easier for her.
It’s very possible that arthritis has set in. My girl who recently passed at 17 had arthritis, and I had to move shelves closer and built her a ramp to get in and out of her cage for playtime. She could no longer jump on the stool she used to get in and out of her cage.