Little BJ

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Here are some recent pictures.

It'll be interesting to see what people see in him breed wise

Like I said, mom is a longhaired dachshund, dad is unknown. He is 3 pounds and stands about the height of a soda can.





He looks like there's some chi in there, and he also looks like the cutest little cute thing I've seen in a while.
Cute! I'd definitely agree with chi. Who knows, maybe the owners saw her tied with a min pin from afar and mistook it for a rottie? I just can't imagine that happening without some sort of physical repercussions on mom...
That's the funny thing with getting puppies at the humane society, sometimes you get who knows what! Even if they know one of the parents, the other one could be a mix, and the mom could be a mix as well and just look mostly doxie or something.

When I got my dog Lila as a 3 month old puppy from the humane society they told me she was a lab springer spaniel mix as that's what the owner surrender had said. However, she just kept growing, and growing and got super tall. No way she's springer, she doesn't have a shorter muzzle and is so tall and lanky. She's also more red than yellow. So my guess is it was an Irish setter and lab.
Awwww!! OK, I am stealing your puppy when I am up your way again. I'll say, "Hey Brittney, what's that over there?" You will look, and I will grab the pup and ride off in my waiting getaway car. Yes...that's how it will be.

He's so adorable. He's got to be a chi-jack-weener dog, right? I can see all of those breeds in him. SO CUTE!!

He's getting along with the other doggies, right? :D How could they not just love him?
He's so adorable!!! Ya I can tell you now that I wouldn't believe the rottie in him, he looks no rottie at all, especially with those white socks. He actually looks very similar to a Basenji, but those aren't very common dogs, though if there was one in the area i could see a doxi and basenji making a pup like that. So hm, if the mother is for sure a doxi, trying to think what else could be there, actually some of his coloring and more stockiness maybe beagle? You can see the light hint of black on the back and tail, almost looks like there could be white on the tip of his tail? I don't know just a guess. I think the other dogs will adapt eventually. Good luck and hes sooo cute!!
OMG Brittney I hope the security is up at your house because I'm sure I am not the only one on the forum who plans on stopping by to steal cute and adorable BJ!
Been a while since I have posted pictures of Jackson. Still not sure what he is yet. He is 4 1/2 months old now and weighs 12 pounds.




I know what he is.......he's a little furry bundle of freakin cute! that's what he The black and white pic has to be on a bag of puppy food! haha