is bamboo safe?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
I have a piece of untreated, natural bamboo and i was wondering if it's chin safe? I looked over the list in the FAQ's but couldn't find bamboo listed. Thanks :)
I'm not sure either, so it might just be safe to not give it at all. It's true that all woods splinter, but I have to agree with Kansas City Chinchillas that bamboo does splinter quite sharply and might cause some injuries to the mouth or if they jump on it.
It is considered safe. I have given it to my chins a while back. But it does splinter so some people don't use it. It's like Popsicle sticks, those splinter too so some people don't use them. It's just up to what you feel comfortable with.
I cant remember who, but someone on CNQ had to take their chinnie to the vet because a piece of bamboo splintered and got stuck in their mouth and so they weren't able to eat... basically, that story stuck with me and I haven't used it because of that.
It is a safe wood, (besides possible splinters) but they really can't chew it, it is slippery and so darn hard. There are other woods that they much prefer are are less likely to hurt them. Apple, pear, cottonwood, etc. are great. Even pinecones! Or they like the bamboo shredders.
I cant remember who, but someone on CNQ had to take their chinnie to the vet because a piece of bamboo splintered and got stuck in their mouth and so they weren't able to eat... basically, that story stuck with me and I haven't used it because of that.
I think that was a bamboo chopstick that broke in half when they bit it and went through the side of their face or into the soft pallet.
well this is a big looks like a huge shelf probably the size of a laptop??
i had asked this same thing on the old forum, and it seemed the general answer was that it IS safe, but NOT to give it. Just to caution on the safe side becuase of splintering and possible problems with that.
yeah, I think the only bamboo people give chins is the ultra thin pieces that are used to make bamboo shredders (I think thats what they're called here) but are basically the Chinese finger traps. I think thicker than that would be a no-no.