Heathy chin passed

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Dec 31, 2021
What can cause a chin to go from being healthy and happy to lethargic to death in a matter of 8 hours?
I had a male 5 month old chin who was happy and healthy yesterday he was a little more grumpy and sleepy than usual but I did not think much of it. And in the wee early hours of this morning he passed away in my hands.
I'm sorry for your lost, it sucks when they die suddenly. A few possibilities come to mind, but unless you have a necropsy done you likely wont know, and even then it's not uncommon to be inconclusive especially if it's not done right away.

One is upper respiratory infection, I know that can kill chins within a couple hours of showing symptoms if not treated. Was he sneezing, coughing, or wheezing at all?

Another is bloat, basically a gas build up in the gut preventing anything from going through and shutting the gut down. Normally signs of that are things like small to no poops, not wanting to eat or move, belly feels hard instead of squishy, stretching and pushing their belly to the floor. Normally caused by eating something that doesn't agree with them, can even be something normally considered "safe", but sometime happens for seemingly no apparent reason (only being feed a good quality pellet food and hay).

He could also have eaten something he shouldn't have, for example if there was any plastic in the cage he could have chewed a piece and it damaged him internally. Or even a more "freak accident" situation of swallowing say a sharp piece of wood that caused internal damage. Internal bleeding would cause him to be grumpy from pain and also sleepy from blood loss.

How was the temp in the room? A young chin is much more sensitive to heat then an adult, so overheating can happen if it got too warm (about 70F) or if he was allowed to play for too long. Kits under 6 months also can't regulate their blood sugar as well and can over do it and have a dangerous drop in blood sugar, so large cages, out of cage time, and wheels are all not advised.

At only 5 months another possibility could be a genetic defect or heart murmur, those I don't think there is any sign other then if you had him checked at the vet and they noticed it during an exam.

Unfortunately something you just never know, one of mine passed last year, he seems fine the day before, I refilled the pellet bowls and he came and ate before I went to bed, but for some reason he passed in his sleep sometime during the night. He was 14+ years old, but still was not expected and he didn't really show any signs that would have tipped me off that something was wrong.
Thank you for your reply. I know it isnt my fault but I feel that it is. I didn't notice any signs coughing/sneezing/wheezing. His belly was quite squishy. Room temp was 67. He was out playing on Saturday for 20 min. Could this of been to long of a time?
Not an expert here, but I'm so sorry for your loss. Do you still have other chins?
I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

I don't have any answers for you, I'm just really sorry it happened. It could very well have been some sort of congenital defect, as Amethyst mentioned. It certainly wasn't your fault.
I know the recommended time for a chin to have playtime before 6 months is around 5-10 minutes but i lost track of time one day when I chin was around 3 months old and he was out for about half an hour. He was tired and I felt bad about it but I mean, the temp was 68 and he was fine within a few minutes so I don’t think 20 minutes for a 5 month old chin would cause him to just pass away. I’m no expert on chins but I know sometimes, babies get SIDS and pass away for no known reason, maybe it’s possible for chins to do that too? Whatever it was, It was most likely something internal. Don’t blame yourself, it happens. I hope this helped!

I’m so very sorry for your loss…😞😞😞
I’ll be praying for you! 🙏 🙏 🙏
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Yeah 20 minutes in a cool room days prior is not going to cause it, when they overheat or over exert themselves you notice it right away. If you did everything else right, the most likely cause would be something genetically wrong, as he reached full size something wasn't right with him. That is the most common reason for a sudden unexplained death for kits under about 6 months. If you got him from a breeder you might want to contact them to let them know, if it was something genetic a good breeder will want to know so they don't pair those chins together again.
Honestly...it's so hard to know without an autopsy. They hide disease so well.

I actually lost my girl last Monday. She was, by all signs, happy and healthy with a good appetite until the Saturday before her death. By late Sunday I was rushing her to the vet as an emergency because she was fading fast.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts...