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Sometimes I love too much
Feb 1, 2009

I've been bursting to tell people, but we wanted to wait until I was three months along (it's been REALLY hard!). The husband and I are very excited, and I am due on June 9, which, since I'm a teacher, is a very good time.

This is my first baby, and everything so far has gone really well. I'm starting to come out of the tired stage, and I was really lucky that I never went into the sick stage! We've seen baby on ultrasound (he or she actually had the hiccups, so we got to watch those and giggle), and we've heard a heartbeat. The doctor says everything looks perfect, and we can find out the sex of the baby on January 18!
We find out the sex of the baby on January 19 (next Wednesday)!!

It's funny. Our families are really split on what they think the sex is. Half are positive we're having a little girl, and half swear a little boy is on the way :)

As for the husband and me, we're just hoping for a happy, healthy baby. I think we've got a strong one coming based on the somersaults, kicks, and punches I've been feeling the past week!!!