Chinchilla conjunctivitis

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New member
Apr 2, 2020
I have 2 chinns and I recently took one to the vet for her eye leaking this white gunk. She had caught conjunctivitis. No idea how vet said it could be a number of things. So I got the medication and she did really well, better than expected she does not like to be manhandled at all unless she chooses you too. The vet suggested I clean the cage more often that maybe something was bothering her eyes, and she may have an allergy. I know when I first got her they recommended wood shavings for bedding and I said heck no bevause after 24 hours all I was seeing was her itch all day and night like it was so bad, I immediately changed her to soft organic bedding, but that was along time ago so I'm not sure what she could be having an allergy to now. Has anyone else had this problem? Anyone know any reason she might have gotten it? I clean their cage once-twice a week and use a mini vaccum to clean up poop on a daily basis.
I also decided to get rid of the old cage I had for them it was about 4ft tall 2 tier now they're in a 4 tier about 6ft tall. Shes actually not seeming too happy about being in the new cage. I figure its just gonna take some time to adjust. Even though my other chin is loving it hes actually stopped walking on his front paws and only using his back legs to walk now like a little human it's so cute(no hes not hurt in anyway I had him checked too).