Chin Newbie

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jan 18, 2012
Jasper, AL
I just signed up and thought I should say hi. :wave:

I searched for a Chinchilla forum and found this one which is so cool: We have a Chinchilla and we've been on the search for a Hedgehog!

My husband and I just got our first Chinchilla. We were looking for a Hedgehog and ended up falling in love with a Chinchilla that was at a pet store. We went in there several times to price items that we read about for the Hedgie and every time we were in there we played with this little Chinchilla guy and finally one day I was like "why haven't we taken him home?" We had a cage set up that had actually come (used, CL) with some chinchilla supplies in it. I had spent almost every day for two weeks going to spend time with this little guy and he was just as sweet as can be. He has been with us for a few days now and we adore him!

He is in a large ferret nation cage and has a corn hut, saucer wheel, hammock, lava ledges, ceramic food bowl, hanging water bottle, and lined with fleece instead of paper/shavings. He doesn't have a name yet - we are working on that! I hope to get some cute pictures of him this week. I'm not sure what color you would call him. He is dark gray with some lighter gray mixed in. I'm still learning about his personality but I can tell you that he loves dried papaya snacks.

Guess that is all for now! Thanks for reading!
Hello & Welcome! I'm sure a name will come to you that fits his personality!

Just a note, I would get rid of the corn hut and papaya. Both are not recommended.

Hope you'll share some pictures of your little guy.
Welcome and Congrats! This forum helped me learn that most petstore items aren't safe for chins. I was able to drastically improve my chin's quality of life thanks to the members here!
Hi and welcome!

Unfortunately pet stores can give a lot of wrong/bad advice, and you'll learn a lot here about the proper care and needs for chinchillas. If you have any specific questions, please ask! We love to help :)
Welcome to CnH! You're going to learn so much here about your furry little love, it's gonna blow your mind (in a good way!)
Welcome! After so much visiting...your little guy was probably wandering the same thing that you were...why havent they taken me home yet?? Congrats and happy learning!