Chin dust bath

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
New Jersey
Hi, I have been looking online but can't seem to find a place that sells bulk chin dust. I have been purchasing from Chewy but the price keeps going up. If you know of a place I can purchase dust bath in bulk please reply. Thanks!!!
A few I know offhand in the US...
You can get chill dust in bulk (from 1-50lb bags all the way up to a full truck load, lol), it's suppose to be the current best dust you can get. ChillDust: Bathing Dust for Chinchillas, Degus and Other Critters
This place sells it as well ChillDust, 5 - 50 lbs. 5lb and 50lb bags

You can also buy 50lb bags of blue sparkle here Blue Sparkle Chinchilla Dust 50lbs

This place also sells it in bulk, not sure what kind of dust they sell though, AZ Chins - Bulk Chinchilla Supplies with Shipping