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House Hobo
Aug 23, 2013
Outside of KC, MO.
I'm sorry for being such a n00b and asking so many questions, guys.

I read the FAQs and I'm a bit confused on bedding. Is using paper pellet litter okay? It's what I've been using.

And a question on some that I saw while getting him his loofa treats at the local Family Center (feed / farming general hardware store type place), barely pellets to be used as cage litter? They looked to be about the same size and density as the paper pellets I've been using. Barely is edible by most species, and I was wondering if chins could handle it AND if it is safer than the paper pellets?
I use kiln dried pine bedding. I can get it at farms stores for pretty cheap, in large quantity, and it is safe if the eat it. I personally wont use anything else. im not sure if paper or barley is safe.
I sometimes still use fleece as I have a lot of it, but I have since switched over to mainly KD pine shavings. I just hate cleaning cages and then having to do laundry on top of it.
Safe bedding: Aspen shavings, KD pine shavings, & fleece. Paper based and other beddings are too likely to be problematic and not worth the risk, plus buying shavings at a feed store is generally the most cost effective way to go.