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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. DesertChin

    FLEECE: Blizzard vs no pill

    The blizzard fleece in my area is available through Walmart and Hobby Lobby. It looks very cheap. I bought all of my anti-pill fleece at Joanne Fabrics when it was on a very good sale. I use a paint squeegee to “rake up” the mess Waffles’ cage, but most of the cage is lined with floor tile. No...
  2. DesertChin

    Top opening, or side opening carrier??

    Thanks for the comments on the vinyl edge guards. To reduce any risks of chewing, I will try adding some stripping to the very outside edge of the top (the part that folds over outside wall) making it difficult to chew from the inside of the cage. Klubertanz said they would custom build me two...
  3. DesertChin

    Top opening, or side opening carrier??

    I should have typed that I plan to use snaps for the front and side panels.
  4. DesertChin

    Top opening, or side opening carrier??

    Thanks again, for your further wisdom. Your information has been very helpful. I went ahead and constructed my cage, but have to buy a handle(s?), and maybe will splurge for the vinyl “rabbit cage edge guard” for the top, even though I did round off the exposed wire ends with a metal file. I...
  5. DesertChin

    New member from the desert

    Thanks for your further comments. I have read online that “fresh anything” is not good for chins. Good to get a confirmation (I don’t believe a lot of stuff posted on the WWW).
  6. DesertChin

    Top opening, or side opening carrier??

    Oh WOW! Many thanks for the pic, complete with cute “occupant”. If I get a youngster I should be OK. But mine will be pretty narrow? I can build a larger cage in the future as I have many feet of wire. The hard part is cutting the heavy wire (have a Erwin compound-action side-cutter though)...
  7. DesertChin

    New member from the desert

    Thanks for all of the information. Your comments are very useful. To make friends with a chinchilla can I offer a small rose petal (fresh)? My roses are not sprayed, or treated, with ANYTHING.
  8. DesertChin

    Top opening, or side opening carrier??

    Thanks for the comments. I saw the cages at Quality Cages, but they are doggone pricey. Look very nice though. My cage isn’t far off, dimension-wise, and is a smidgeon larger, than the “show transport cages” from KW Cages (good rabbit supplier in years past). The multiple-unit cages break down...
  9. DesertChin

    Top opening, or side opening carrier??

    I am constructing a wire transport cage for one chinchilla. 14 gauge 1/2” x 1” top quality rabbit wire. I have cut out all of the panels, but have not started using the J-clips. I cut a piece for a TOP opening door (has “lip”/overhang), but should I make a side-opening door instead? The...
  10. DesertChin

    New member from the desert

    Hi all….Just joined this community hoping to find good information on my new project in life: Chinchilla ownership. I am actually “jumping the gun” a bit, and am planning to get my chin from a very experienced breeder in September, or October, as she will have more chinchillas to choose from...