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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. PappyHodunk

    SURVEY: How much do you spend per year?

    Could those who posted budgets, please share the toys you buy e.g., "3. $50-$70 (just placed my orders for 300 toys/you parts at Amazon and" Thanks!
  2. PappyHodunk

    Atypical bath behavior

    Update: I cut back to twice a week, and now they are much more engaged in their baths - they act like the chins in videos with rolls and dig around in the poof.
  3. PappyHodunk

    I fear I’ve traumatized my chin!

    Thanks, I should have done a better job peeling the bark off of the small perch I got from Amazon. That would explain that, but yes it’s a dark orange color. I did some other reading, which supports your ideas. Sometimes Chins just get freaked out.
  4. PappyHodunk

    I fear I’ve traumatized my chin!

    Hi all, yesterday during my weekly cleaning, I took the opportunity to add tile to the bottom of my cages. Previously, they were just stainless steel trays. I also replaced the critter nation, upper half tray with a series of approved-wood ledges and a fleece hammock to encourage them to get...
  5. PappyHodunk

    Greetings and new owner questions

    Yes that was mentioned in another post. I’ve since replaced these treats with dried rose hips, chamomile and Hawthorne flowers. these are boys, but just not that friendly to me. One tolerates occasional head scratches, other runs if touched.
  6. PappyHodunk

    Atypical bath behavior

    Pretty dry right now due to weather (cold). Acting normally otherwise. Same container, dust seems normal - I don‘t leave it in the cage, just put in 2-3 times/week to let them bathe. I’ve seen them rolling in their house where cast-off dust settled, just don’t roll a lot in the bath. I think...
  7. PappyHodunk

    Atypical bath behavior

    Lately my 2 chins seem very excited to get into their bath, but once in, they’re not displaying typical Chin bath behavior (rolling). They just sit there. They’ll both jump in the bath with the Poof dust, but then just sit and pop their heads out occasionally. Then after a while, they’ll get...
  8. PappyHodunk

    Greetings and new owner questions

    Yes, saw the posts. I have a bag of Tiny Friends Farms Charlie Chinchilla Tasty Mix for occasional treats, also use hay sticks (broken into small pieces), and the breeder recommended Mrs. Pastures Horse Cookies - broken in tiny pieces (less than 1/4"). I originally bought Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro...
  9. PappyHodunk

    Greetings and new owner questions

    Thanks for all the quality feedback. This is pretty much what I expected... Ask me for anything but time...At least they are very interested in interacting with me for treats, just have to be careful not to overdo that.
  10. PappyHodunk

    Greetings and new owner questions

    Greetings all, I’m a new chin owner. Just adopted two brothers from a great breeder locally. they’re currently about 4 months old. Went all out getting the double critter nation cage, a few wood castles, etc. My question really revolves around handling. When I first met them, the breeder...