SweetPea's vet

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wants me to start feeeding her new foods "human" food any ideas on what to feed her. and how to get her to like it?
Why does the vet want you to feed human food?

~Meat baby food
~fully cooked, unseasoned chicken or turkey
~Cooked carrots, peas
~Bananas, apples, strawberrys, watermelon

Always make sure they are hedgie sized bites

And really, try and try again. Some hedgies love new foods right away, some take a few tries and sometimes they'll love it and then randomly want nothing to do with it. Silly hogs.

she just told me to try new things with her and said human food would work best.
You may have to try a few times to get her to eat anything, and don't be too upset if she won't try anything. Poptart will only eat kibble, mealworms and watermelon. Everything else she considers to not be edible.

Some of Roses favorites: watermelon, sweet peas, sweet potato, green beans, carrots, apple, banana, pear, cantelope, etc. Vegetables are cooked and all are cut up in small bite size pieces or mashed.
One thign to remember is to introduce these new foods really slowly. Shes just had poop & not eating issues so pushing new foods on her too quickly could cause a really poor reaction.

I'd make sure that shes definitely eating her kibble and pooping normally again. After that, then very slowly start to introduce one food at a time.

I've tried most things listed above, and both of my boys refused everything except for their kibble lol
i'm going to wait until after we get her poop retested.
Remember to offer the new foods in a separate dish from her normal food bowl. If there's a treat she doesn't like and you mix it with the kibble, it may turn her off to her kibble and that is something you don't want (of course).

A lot of hedgies really like eggs (scrambled or boiled). You can do scrambled ones in the microwave to cut down on the amount of grease/oil that would come from frying them. And of course boiled you just put in water on the stove so that's pure egg anyway. :)

I hope you find a new treat she likes!