RIP Little Buffy...

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Jun 13, 2010
Buffy was my first chinchilla, and I didn't even have her for more than two weeks. I'm beating myself up for it because I know it's my fault... I could have stopped it.

She was just a baby and she could fit through the bars of the ferret nation. She would get out and run around at night even though she'd been out to play earlier. It was fine because I had a towel shoved under the door and there wasn't any other bad place she could get into.
This past Friday, she got out and it was around 3 AM. She was jumping around on my bed and I was so tired - I just fell right back asleep. Well, my mom had to wake me up for work and Buffy was no where to be found. But the towel under the door was pulled. I knew my cats had done it. After searching everywhere in my room, no luck. She wasn't there. Later my mom was vacuuming... And she found a foot.

It kills me so much knowing that I could have done something. I can't stop thinking about my poor baby and how it's all my fault. She hardly had a chance to live. She won't get to experience so many things, and I miss her terribly. She was the sweetest thing and didn't deserve what happened. I just hope she forgives me, but I'll never forgive myself.


I'm so upset that Buffy was killed. This was not an accident and was totally preventable. You posted on June 22nd about her escaping the FN and you were told how to stop her from getting out. No amount of playtime or exercise is going to keep a chin in a cage that has bar spacing that is too big. RIP sweet girl, you deserved so much better.
I understand accidents happen I have lost a few to tragedies over the years, but If you were warned and you knew it was a problem before hand why didn't you do something? I could see if it was the first time she got out but it wasn't you know it was a problem.

Rest in Peace poor little baby. Hopefully you have learned from this. A towel is not a fix and could have killed her in the end anyway had she chewed on it.
I know. And that is why I feel completely terrible and awful about what happened. It's all my fault, I could have fixed it, but I didn't. I wish I could go back in time and change it.
I deserve to be berated but she never ever deserved what happened.
I am sorry for your loss. I hope you learned the lesson. I feel bad for your chin, but I am sure you are in pain too. Please learn from this.
I remember responding to your thread. Hopefully you will fix the cage before getting any future chins. Buffy should not be dead right now.
Even though you can't change what happened, at the very least, you'll at least take something out of this experience. We've all been guilty of irresponsibility at some point in our lives, and unfortunately for some of us the consequences and repercussions can be more traumatic than that of others.
RIP Buffy
If you get another chin in the future, this time, you will know.
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I'm sorry that this had to happen but I am glad that you have realized your mistake and have posted this. Hopefully by posting new chin owners can read this and realize what it means to baby proof a cage and proper precautions on keeping animals away and safe from each other.

RIP Buffy.
Thank you, everyone. I appreciate all of the thoughts for Buffy. This is definitely something that will never happen again. I hope it's a wake up call to other new members as well who don't have baby-proof cages if you have a young chin. It certainly is one for me.
Part of me is angry and part of me is sad. I can't imagine how scary and painful being torn apart and eaten alive by cats is. It's just---I can't think about it.

That being said, you seem to know exactly what you did wrong. As mad as you are at yourself, doing that won't be any good. I suggest running with this experience.

Yes, this is a horrible thing that happened but there is nothing...NOTHING you can do about it now. This can make you a better pet owner--a better person. You can make others better pet owners and better people. Be optimisitic and focus on the future but never, ever forget the lesson you have learned. Because someone lost a life to teach it to you, so honor Buffy's life by spreading your knowledge around as much as you can.
To avoid any escalation of this thread beyond what it is already, I'm going to close it. We're all sorry for the tragic death of this little one, but it's time to close it and move on.
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