Injured Chin

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One of my chins turned on another - Jet. They've been together for 2 years now. = S Jet was bit up pretty bad so we took him to the Vet. The vet didn't give him any stiches but did give us baytril (2x a day for 7 days) and Probiocin to help combact any ill effects from the antibiotic. We were told to keep the wounds clean and wet so that they could drain.
Yes - he's separated in his own cage now.

Any other input would be appreciated. He took his first dose of Baytril somewhat okay. :tissue: Poor baby. He's pretty alert and active. He clearly wants to run around the room, but I don't think that's wise at the moment.
Sorry to hear that. Bayril tastes awful, so if you can give him a safe treat (cheerio, rosehip, plain shredded wheat cereal, old fashioned oats) after each does, that will help. Give the probiotics at least 2 hours apart from the antibiotics (baytril). Good luck, and keep an eye on his eating, drinking, peeing, and pooping.
No advice, but my condolences for your poor baby. Hope he gets better soon!
No dust bath and you'd better put him in a small cage or at least remove all the stuff he could jump up on. Keep him on the ground floor. No exercise. Check with the Vet as to when he can resume his usual activities. Oh and monitor his water intake, mark the bottle to see how much it's gone down. And measure out his food by weighing or just add 1 cup of food then put it back in the container to see how much is gone.
You need to treat your chinchilla for shock (see article here:

Keep the chin in a small carrier or "hospital cage" with no shelves etc and make sure he is calm, warm (but not hot!). Ensure he is eating, drinking, pooping, peeing. It is worth having some recovery food on standby just in case he goes off his food.
Any wounds will need to be carefully monitored for signs of infection or abscess (see article here: ).

He may also need pain relief - chinchilla bites are very painful and deep bruising can occur.

Good luck wht the little fella - please keep us posted on his progress.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sure in some level he misses his friend in spite of what happened. Poor boy, I hope he gets well very soon!
Keep an eye on your chicnhilla's appetite as well. Often times chins who are injured in a fight will not eat and you will have to step in and hand feed. I had a chinchilla go into shock after a fight with another and he would not eat on his own for a week. Paired with the fact that you are giving baytril, which is known to cause chins to lose their appetite, I would definitely get some Critical Care and be ready to handfeed.
Just dealt with a HORRIBLE attack about 2 weeks or so ago. Since they often go off feed when in pain, the Baytril would worry me as that can put them off feed too.

I'm not an expert, but I don't like that they want the wounds wet? I would think keeping them clean is best, but I can't see how keeping them wet would make it better--they wouldn't be able to scab over no?

I can tell you what I did with my girl- Now keep in mind when I found her she was very, very close to death. I honestly did NOT think she'd make it:

Cleaned the wounds using Betadine, and KEPT them clean. She was put in a small carrier, outside of the chinroom where she could be in peace. I kept the carrier extremely clean. She was put on TMS(Sulfa based drug). She WAS off her feed, so needed to be fed critical care and given her water. She recovered just fine, her wounds are almost gone--but she did get a bad case of fungus which we're working on now.

I didn't keep the wounds wet..but kept them clean, as well as her carrier she was in.. Make sure yours is eating..wouldn't hurt to rush-ship some CC in just incase. The good signs are he is still alert and active. My female, who I thought i'd lose was NOT alert, NOT active. She could barely hold her head up, and wouldn't move.
I hope Jet gets better soon. Are you going to keep them in separate cages or try introducing them again? Although I think if there has been one attack, it could most likely happen again, and with more devestating results. Good luck.
I agree with the critical care advice mentionned above. I had to give oral baytril to a chin last December and she completely stopped eating. I force fed her critical care and lifeline. Get that ready just in case.
It scares me to think that my 2 boys could end up like this as well. Did you see them being aggresive with each other before this attack happened? I'm sorry I have no advice, because I'm kinda new with 2 chins being housed together but I wish a very speedy recovery for your little guy.
Oh no! That's horrible! I don't really have any advice to give you as I'm still learning myself, but I hope Jet gets better soon!
I think you have a good amount of info here, but I will say that (in case you were planning on it) to do reintro them. Why risk it? In another thread about fighting (I think it was Peggy-Tunes) said about two brothers she reintroed and one killed the other. Just feel lucky it wasn't that bad this time
UPDATE: Jet is really active and alert. I haven't let him out of his cage yet, but I can tell that he wants out. He was always really active on his wheel and this cage doesn't have one. It doesn't even have shelves. I gave him lots of new chew toys though. He's taking the baytril by himself without fighting me. It almost seems like he enjoys it. He's also taking the probiotics by himself. His appetite is very strong. He hasn't been drinking very much water though. But he is drinking some. His wounds look good.

3chins - Jet was part of a bonded pair (Jet and Zinc) that had been together for 2 years. Back in November - I think - we introduced a third chinchilla (Mr. Fluffkins). Zinc and Mr. Fluffkins seemed to tolerate each other, but hadn't quite become the best of buddies. They would cackle at each other but that was the worst of it - after they were caged together that is. Jet warmed up to Mr. Fluffkins really quick and they would cuddle all the time. Zinc and Jet never had problems. This was out of the blue. What was strange is that Zinc had no bites on him. It's like he didn't even try to defend himself. Maybe Zinc was jealous of Mr. Fluffkins. I dunno.

OXchin - I haven't made up my mind about reintroing the chins. If I do, it won't be for a very very very very very - get the idea? - long time. Right now my concern to help Jet get all better.
I've had chins fight and seriously injure each other. I have also had only one of the pair get hurt. It just depends on the personality of the chins - some don't fight back. They just attempt to hide from the more aggressive one.

I, too, question the idea of keeping the wounds wet. I have never been instructed to do so, just keep them clean and restrict their movement.

Oh, and when I have two fight that bad, I just don't want to risk reintroing them. I don't think that it is worth the risk of losing one or both chins.

Good luck and keep us posted.
You need to treat your chinchilla for shock (see article here:

Keep the chin in a small carrier or "hospital cage" with no shelves etc and make sure he is calm, warm (but not hot!). Ensure he is eating, drinking, pooping, peeing. It is worth having some recovery food on standby just in case he goes off his food.
Any wounds will need to be carefully monitored for signs of infection or abscess (see article here: http://www.davidson-chinchillas.He may also need pain relief - chinchilla bites are very painful and deep bruising can occur.

Good luck wht the little fella - please keep us posted on his progress. ).

Yeah i totally agree. Shock can kill him. Maybe you can put him in a small dog carrier and keep a heating pad under half of it. I would also maybe put a fleece blanket in there for him to lay on. Keep a good eye on him. good luck. I also think he may use some pain/anti inflamatory meds
