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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. N

    Replacement pan for Feisty Ferret cage?

    My chin has chewed through the plastic of my Prevue Hendryx Feisty Ferret cage. Does any place sell replacements or have a permanent solution for replacing the bottom pan?
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    Experience with Head Injuries

    Vet said he is a little slow on his left side. No fractures. Most likely a mild concussion or some bleeding under the skull, but will most likely be fine. He's on meloxicam for one week to reduce inflammation. Chin is acting like himself, but in slow motion. He walks in a circle in the dust bath...
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    Experience with Head Injuries

    Last night my chinchilla accidentally slammed himself into the cage door after playtime because he thought it was open. I was dazed for a tiny bit but otherwise returned to normal activity in the cage. This morning he is not himself. He ALWAYS waits by the food bowl on the second level of the...
  4. N

    Chinchilla having short fits of grogginess

    Oops! He does not eat carrots. I meant to type pellets! Gonna fix that, sorry for the confusion. He eats everything approved on this website - oxbow pellets and timothy/orchard hay and occasional treats ordered from Ronda. Edit: I can't edit it anymore :( whytheheckdiditypecarrots Vet said...
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    Chinchilla having short fits of grogginess

    Just took him to the vet. His heart sounds fine, his teeth look good. She suggested blood work but assumed that it would most likely be fine so I opted out of it. She suggested I document any of these episodes and that if it worsens or becomes more frequent to treat him with phenobarbital...
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    Chinchilla having short fits of grogginess

    I can't emember his weight but 6 months ago at the vet it was normal. If anything he has put on some weight (which is good because over a year ago he broke his foot, causing him to lose weight, and has fully recovered since then ). So far his fits have not occurred after playtime or lots of...
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    Chinchilla having short fits of grogginess

    The temperature in my house is in the 60s. Also he doesn't eat carrots and only gets one chin friendly treat (bought from Ronda) about every other day. If its a mild seizure, what can I do to prevent it ? And what is the outlook of chins that have this ? Breaks my heart when I see him do this
  8. N

    Chinchilla having short fits of grogginess

    Hi. I have a 3 year old single male chinchilla who I have witnessed have 3 of these weird fits. The first one i noticed was about three months ago, the second was 3 days ago, and the last one was about an hour ago. It tends to happen around the same time of night (8pm) and he kind of puts his...
  9. N

    Chinchilla chewing constantly, not grinding teeth

    Yeah I'm sure because he does it while in his sleeping spot - which he rarely leaves when its time for him to sleep.
  10. N

    Chinchilla chewing constantly, not grinding teeth

    Sometimes when he's not eating he keeps munching, but doesn't make a tooth grinding sound. Just harmless chewing on nothing. He is eating a tad bit less than he did before he started doing the random chewing. His poop is fine and he is otherwise acting quite normal. I don't notice any symptoms...
  11. N

    Whos chins bang and pull on cage doors when wanting out???

    In my chin's old cage he would actually somehow bang the door until it loosened. He escaped a couple times until we pulled out the good ol' bungie cord. It's funny because he never did it in front of a person - we'd only hear it from another room. I didn't figure out what he was doing until I...
  12. N

    Chinchilla broke/sprained hind foot

    My last post should be deleted - it is an utter fail at posting pictures. I have just reduced the sizes. Chinny before accident. (plywood has since been replaced with kd pine) first splint done by cheap vet - gave pressure sores 2nd splint that was better His bandage without splint Him and...
  13. N

    The name game..what in your chins name?

    Drake the standard grey chinchilla. His previous owner (my boyfriend) thought naming him after the rapper was cool. So cooooooool. T_T
  14. N

    Chinchilla broke/sprained hind foot

    1 week ago he was 535g, which was 65 more than the week prior!. The force feedings caused him to gain weight (thank god ). Since then, I weaned him off of his force feed and let him run around for half an hour every night and he is now 518g. His poops are nearly normal size, and he is walking...
  15. N

    Chinchilla broke/sprained hind foot

    The last couple days, chin has been a bit happier, most likely because his bandage is just gauze and tape (no splint) and he is on painkillers. His poop is almost normal size :) and he gets a good amount out since ive been letting him run rampant in the bathroom for half an hour a day. He is...
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    Chinchilla broke/sprained hind foot

    I went to the vet this morning. It was the vet that saw my chin the day after he broke his toes. she told me he is walking much better than that day, since it has been a whole month since she's seen him. She believes the bones are healing and applied a bandage rather than a splint to prevent him...
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    Chinchilla broke/sprained hind foot

    What is the cost of amputation? Vet isn't even sure if he has osteomyelitis or not. It was just "possible"
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    Chinchilla broke/sprained hind foot

    I have increased the force feed to 20ml of Critical Care a day with added acidophilus in order to counteract the Baytril's effect on the gut. He probably lost weight because I stopped force-feeding for a week. I totally see how you feel, ticklechin. His splint caused him a couple pressure sores...
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    Chinchilla broke/sprained hind foot

    It's been a month since he broke 3 toes and we got another X-ray. It's healing, but very slowly and the vet and radiologist are suspecting that he has a bone infection. He's currently on Baytril. He lost 10 grams since the last visit two weeks ago, but it is much smaller than the loss of 30g...
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    can't get my chin to eat ):

    I had to force-feed my hurt chin with Oxbow Critical Care because it's more nutritious than watered down pellets, and the applesauce consistency is probably easier to eat. My vet carried it but you can also buy it online. Are you just putting the syringe on the side of her mouth? When I did that...