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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. hedgewitch

    Should I get a Hedgie?

    Mae, first let say I am sorry for your loss. I’ve been involved with hedgie rescue for 25 years, lost many, it never gets easier. But, as my vet says, it shouldn’t. When the passing becomes painless it shows we’ve lost the value of a little life. I have a strong belief that our pets would want...
  2. hedgewitch

    Sleep well Cream

    I’ve had bonded pairs and trips of hedgie girls show sincere signs of grief when one crossed. You witness this and wonder how shallow some humans can be to think any species but ourselves have feelings 😞 Give your little girl some extra comfort time with you. Talk to her. Tell her you are sad...
  3. hedgewitch

    CBD candle around chin?

    I have read a report on CBD for pets. Sadly not all CBD is THC free. I really think more studies, more quality control is needed in the industry, both for pets and humans. It’s done for other pharmaceuticals, again both pets and humans. CBD aside, it seems the REAL concern here is air quality...
  4. hedgewitch

    Swollen penis, no fur ring, lethargic

    OK, not a chin owner but hedgies. Several years ago I had a male rescue develop a swollen penis, no other signs of illness. My vet looked him over and confirmed no other signs of illness. I was told to use a solution of 50/50 sugar/water (like a simple syrup, mix til sugar is dissolved in the...
  5. hedgewitch

    You Know You're A Chinchilla Owner When...

    I’ve been reading these comments for a while, laughing and nodding in agreement that yep, you’re a hedgie owner (or owned by a hedgie, lol) if you do this... Yes, I check poops everyday as a health indicator. Last thing each night I tell my rescue herd I love them, goodnight, see you in the...
  6. hedgewitch

    How to get pee out of carpet?

    Vinegar will mildly reduce deep stains but will effectively neutralize odor. Have you tried hydrogen peroxide? It’s less expensive to purchase peroxide from the pharmacy aisles in stores than to purchase “non-chlorine” bleach in the laundry aisle! Pure some over the stain area, allow to set and...
  7. hedgewitch

    Heat treated pine shaving safe for chinchillas?

    I’ve had hedgehogs for 24 years. I’ve also had allergies & asthma! I use fabric liners instead of any wood or paper type beddings simply because of my allergies and asthma. But here are some things I’ve learned - Aromatic oils in both cedar and pine can irritate respiratory systems of small...
  8. hedgewitch

    Water Bottle Nozzle

    Marketing tactics would have us believe we “need” soap, bleach, fragrance, for cleaning. Read labels first. Many household cleaners including dish & laundry soaps (detergents) contain petroleum, artificial colors, and other chemicals. Baking soda works as a scrubbing agent and removes tea or...
  9. hedgewitch

    Water Bottle Nozzle

    How about one of those thinner brushes now designed for cleaning reusable straws?! You should be able to find one suitable for getting into the nozzle and can use vinegar/water instead of any soap.
  10. hedgewitch

    Spirit of Xmas but someone can help with the happy ending

    Curious... I have hedgies, never had a chin. I know ANY antibiotic can mess with the gut and appetite. I know (from personal experience) Baytril tastes double nasty bitter! Got a drop on my finger once giving to hedgie, just had to take a little taste. When I have sick hedgies on antibiotics...
  11. hedgewitch

    What supplies do hedgehogs have to have (besides tons if toys)?

    One little prickle butt under the pterodactyl. One sniffing out the crowd. Taken at vets office celebrating a newly built clinic/hospital. They stole the show, lol.
  12. hedgewitch

    What supplies do hedgehogs have to have (besides tons if toys)?

    LOL I have a large African market basket filled to overflowing with assorted plush/soft toys. Small plush catnip toys (smell will not harm hedgies and after a few launderings it’s pretty much washed out to where the catnip is nothing more than stuffing. Then there is the big pterodactyl which...
  13. hedgewitch

    What's new?

    You don’t have to feed your hedgie insects. In fact I’ve had a few over the years who refused them! The main part of diet for my herd is a good quality cat kibble and fresh bowl of water daily. Treats can include small amounts of scrambled or hard boiled egg, diced fruit (banana, strawberry...
  14. hedgewitch

    What supplies do hedgehogs have to have (besides tons if toys)?

    I’d like to add a bit concerning igloos and/or hiding places: Some of my hedgies never liked those plastic igloos. Most, however, do. I provide at least one fleece blanket approximately 19-20” square inside igloos to burrow into. Several of my current rescues prefer just a blanket or two, no...
  15. hedgewitch

    What supplies do hedgehogs have to have (besides tons if toys)?

    I’ve been involved with hedgies/hedgie rescue for 24years, have always had them in my living room as it was/is the larger room of any home I’ve had and subjects them to at least moderate socializing daily. I keep the thermostat set on 70. My current apartment in Colorado has a large window that...
  16. hedgewitch

    Fleece help

    No, fortunately, hedgehogs are not chewers! I’m lucky there.
  17. hedgewitch

    Fleece help

    I have hedgehogs and have made liners using corduroy outer shelf, fleece centers for comfort and absorbency. I have acquired fleece liners with several rescue intakes and they work just as well. If making liners, go the extra pennies for either anti- pull or Blizzard fleece as these are denser...