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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. jackie925

    New Chin Owner and Playtime

    Linus’ cage is only one level. He’s missing a paw, so the breeder advised me to take off the upper level for his safety. But! I successfully caught him in his dust bath then was able to transfer over to his travel cage. He was very eager and willing for me to pick him up and return him home...
  2. jackie925

    New Chin Owner and Playtime

    Thank you! I’ve been putting cleaning off til some idea broke through! Going to go try right now! ☺️
  3. jackie925

    New Chin Owner and Playtime

    Yeah. This happened Wednesday and today I have to clean his cage. I’m seriously nervous and anxious about it. I know I’m going to further terrify him and do more damage because I’m going to have to chase him to get him out. Anyone have any advice?
  4. jackie925

    New Chin Owner and Playtime

    Not very well. 🥺. I accidentally banged his litter box into the wire frame of his cage (really hard & it was loud enough it startled my dog too) and now he’s terrified of me every time I open the door. 😖. Trying to re-establish our bond now. 🙏 he doesn’t hold onto this fear for too long. I never...
  5. jackie925

    New Chin Owner and Playtime

    @Nan Omgosh! I just ordered that playpen! Now, I know chins need playtime out of their cage; I’m just not sure what to do with or give to Linus to do while he’s in it! Do I let him romp around alone in there? Do I get in with him? 😅. I absolutely should put chews in with him. What else? Dust...
  6. jackie925

    Fleece cage liners

    Do you have advice on a potty & how would I even begin to potty train him? Do you have a link to a better hay rack? He already lost a paw during birth; heaven knows I don’t want anything else to happen to my lil boy!
  7. jackie925

    Fleece cage liners

    How often do y’all change your fleece liners? I just got fleece pillowcases from Etsy (that I’ve seen shut) for Linus and I’m confused on how often I should be completely cleaning his cage/changing out everything with them as bedding? I spot clean daily
  8. jackie925

    More questions about setting up

    I had no idea they did that! That’s awful! how did you find out about her? Is there someway I could find out if there’s a chin in that position near me?
  9. jackie925

    More questions about setting up

    He’ll be coming home around the 1st of the year. I’m trying to gather all the info I can to ‘do things right’ this time. I’ll still be getting him from a pet shop - not a breeder. But I look at that as about the same as rescuing him. *weak smile* My Penelope came from PetCo just like Curly will...
  10. jackie925

    More questions about setting up

    This is the cage I got for my new chin. there are a few plastic pieces in the assembly. Would it be ok to put in the plastic ledges it came with - only for a few weeks, til I can afford to buy or make wood ones? 2bd question: This is a 42” tall setup. So, for a baby, how high would be “too...
  11. jackie925

    Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Chinchilla Food

    Are either of these ok? One of them is Oxbow brand and when I looked in the bag it appeared to only be pellets.
  12. jackie925

    Getting acquainted with a new chin

    Um, do any of these things change if he’s going to be in my bedroom? Because my bedroom sort of doubles as a workspace for me - where I take Zoom and phone calls. And I’ll be in & out of my room right past the cage. Thoughts on this being a positive or negative? I really don’t have anywhere else...
  13. jackie925

    Getting acquainted with a new chin

    Thank you so much @Amethyst !!
  14. jackie925

    Getting acquainted with a new chin

    What/how should I go about socializing and getting to know my new chin? I did a horrible job with Penny & I want to do things better this time. Help? He’s probably coming home this Wednesday, December 15th!!
  15. jackie925

    Wooden cage accessories

    Are wooden ledges, ramps, houses, etc. ok in a chin cage as long as they’re made of kiln-dried aspen? (There’s another wood chins are safe with, isn’t there? Haven’t had a chin in several years, and I’m struggling to remember. Any & all suggestions welcome!)
  16. jackie925

    new here

    Jackie from Pittsburgh area here. I got Penelope McFlufferbottom (but we just call her Penny or PenPen) when I was 16 and I'm 31 now. I was let to believe she was 2 years old when I got her; so, she's more than likely 17 now. She's a standard grey but she's having some problems now which is why...