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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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    Chinchilla Ate a piece of dog kibble

    Hi, about 30 mins ago my chinchilla ate a piece of kibble that was on the ground about 1-2cm wide. I'm wondering if she'll be fine. If anyone has any help or if its happened to there chin. please leave a message.
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    Chinchilla: weird ear lump

    It doesn't really look like a lump it's more like a flat, dry, extension on the ear. If it's not gone in the next two days I will most definitely be taking her to the vet just to see what it is before it gets worst. I don't think it is Abscess because my chin never been cut or bitting by another...
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    Chinchilla: weird ear lump

    Might go see one, but I also read around that bag balm helps with ear and feet stuff. Could just be dry skin but just so weird never seen anything like it.
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    Chinchilla: weird ear lump

    Hi I just got my chinchilla about a month ago and a couple days ago I saw this lump on the end of her ear. I thought it was nothing and was just a little bit of dryness. It still isn't gone and tried to gently get it off but it won't budge. Does anyone know what it is? Picture...