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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. S

    How long do alfalfa cubes stay good?

    We bought a huge batch of alfalfa cubes about a year and a half ago. We have fed them somewhat sparingly, so we still have some from that batch. Is there a point where the alfalfa cubes are so old we shouldn’t be giving them to our chins?
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    Cleaning shelves

    So we have two sets of boards we rotate in our boys cage. I just cleaned a set that we had taken out a while ago (prob should've cleaned it right when I took them out), I plan on swapping them out with the ones in the cage tomorrow. I scrubbed them down with vinegar, let them sit for a bit...
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    Fungus question

    We recently noticed a bit of fur missing on one of our boys nose, it appears to be fungus. I dabbed some blu kote on it and some Tinactin powder should be arriving this evening. We plan on putting some of this powder in his dust bath, as we've read you can do. Any advice on fungus is...
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    Alfalfa after a year old

    Hello, our two chinchillas both turned a year old recently. We've been feeding them timothy hay with Mazuri pellets. We would now and then give them some loose alfalfa hay along with the timothy, and we would put a couple alfalfa cubes in, replacing them once they were all eaten (usually a few a...
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    Suddenly lost interest in sticks?

    Hello- we've been giving our two chins 3 apple sticks apiece every night since we've had them (6 months). We get them from a great seller on this site, and they've always lost their minds when they see they're about to get them, and sit and chomp away like madchins until they're completely...
  6. S

    Wondering if these pellets have lost nutritional value

    Hello, When we first got our chinchillas, I didn't do as much research as I should have about how long pellets last, so I stocked up on Mazuri. I got a 25 lb bag when we got the chins in late October, but (because we had other bags of Mazuri) didn't get to it until around mid-December. The...
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    AC stopped working

    I don't think this is necessarily an emergency, because we're in NYC and it's 21 degrees outside and the heater in the bedroom (where the chins are) is off. The AC has been off since around 3 pm and it has stayed a pretty constant 59 degrees. However, I guess I'm concerned if the heat in the apt...
  8. S

    How much alfalfa for a young chin?

    So from what I've read, some people seem to think feeding alfalfa is fine, some think it may lead to too much calcium/stones. Most seem to agree that it's at least ok to feed it to chins under a year old- but I'm not certain exactly how much a young chin should get. Dusty and Spike are 6 and 7...
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    Phasing young chins into longer playtimes/wheel

    In a couple weeks, both our chins will be 6 months. We've been giving them 10 minute play times a couple times a week, as people here suggest not overdoing it when they're young. We are going to start giving them longer play times, my question is, should we go in phases, to get them used to it...
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    Fleece lining at bottom of Quality Cage

    Hello- I have a Quality Cages Chinchilla Mansion for my two guys, and was wondering whether it would be ok to place a fleece lining of the appropriate dimemsions at the bottom without fastening it. I can't think of a great way to fasten it while keeping it easy to slide out. Has anyone had any...
  11. S

    Do you switch hay brands slowly, like with pellets?

    I know if your switching brands of pellet, you need to introduce it slowly. Can the same be said for brands of timothy hay? Or if they like it, it's fine? Thank you!
  12. S

    Question about hanging hammocks

    Hello, I have a quality cages chinchilla mansion on the way for my two chinchillas. It will be 4 feet tall, and I am trying to find a hammock to put towards the middle of the cage to make sure there isn't a large drop from the top shelf. I have looked through several stores and found several...
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    Question about hanging hammocks

    Hello, I have a quality cages chinchilla mansion on the way for my two chinchillas. The cage is 4 feet tall. I want to make sure there isn't a huge drop in the middle of the cage, so I am looking at hammocks, preferably larger ones. I've looked through several awesome stores- the only thing is...
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    How long for Chinchilla Mansion to arrive?

    Hi! I recently ordered a Quality Cage Crafters Chinchilla Mansion. I'm really looking forward to getting it. For others who have ordered it, do you remember about how long it took to arrive? Tracking it's progress doesn't seem easy! Thank you!