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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. ResilientRosie

    Ceramic sleeping hut?

    I have a flower pot as well. Most pots have a hole in the bottom to allow water to absorb into the soil when you have them planted. I put a large bolt through the hole with two large washers (one on each side) and a large wingnut to secure it to the cage. It sits nicely on it's side. I bought...
  2. ResilientRosie

    Squeaky Wheel help...

    I've used olive oil in the past and it works wonders. As far as the flying saucer type wheel, you can just put a chunk of wood underneath and it really fixes the rattling issue. (Worked for me anyway.)
  3. ResilientRosie

    Just got my first Chin! =)

    :hiya2: Welcome to the forum! Levi is a little honey! I hope that you take a lot of time to read the things on this forum and learn all that you can. Just beware about what pet stores will tell you regarding chin care. They are often not up-to-date and are sometimes wrongly informed. Glad to...
  4. ResilientRosie

    Chin and Dwarf Hamster?

    Everyone pretty much answered your question, but if I could just give my input on dwarfs... I had two winter whites back in college. Both female. Both from the same litter. I was told that they would be fine together since they were the same sex and age. NOT TRUE! After a couple of weeks, they...
  5. ResilientRosie

    Dyeing wood with kool aid?

    Food quality dyes and flavorings are not toxic or harmful. I suppose the fruit scent attracts them.
  6. ResilientRosie

    What toys for the chinnies??

    Here's the website of a Canadian shop that donates a TON to the rescue that I got two of my boys from: :)
  7. ResilientRosie

    Hair rings?

    You can bathe your chins every day if you choose to, but you MUST be sure that it isn't drying out their skin. (Check their feet and ears for dryness and cracking.) IMO, every other day keeps them happy since the dust bath seems to be an emotional experience as well (I know that sounds weird...
  8. ResilientRosie


    Combs are mostly for people who show. You can find videos on YouTube on how to groom him, but it's really not necessary as long as he's getting regular dust baths. Chins do shed (I think about every three months) and you may decide to comb him to clear some of the shed fur out, but again, it...
  9. ResilientRosie

    Having a brain fart....

    What a wonderful idea to donate the needles. Sorry I can't answer your question about needle size, but even if you can't find a nearby rescue that could use them, couldn't you ship them? Maybe put a post on here offering them to rescues? If all else fails, I bet there are cat rescues that would...
  10. ResilientRosie

    I have 3 questions, please help!

    BTW, most chinnies LOVE rosehips, but you may want to start by just ordering a small sample of the whole rosehips and a small sample of the crushed. Your chin will have a preference. If you order crushed, make sure it's sifted to get out the prickers. But some chins prefer the whole rosehips...
  11. ResilientRosie

    Just saying hello!

    Hey there! From your screen name it looks like you are in my neck of the woods! I'm about a half an hour northeast of Detroit. My chinny boys say hello to your Michigander hedgies! :)
  12. ResilientRosie

    Is a wheel more stable on the top or the bottom?

    The top of the cage is essentially the same as the bottom as far as design. It's supported the same way (I'm assuming you are using the middle floor between the top level and the bottom level), so it really shouldn't matter too much what level you put the wheel on.
  13. ResilientRosie

    Chin squeeling

    How old is the daughter? Sounds like it could be the daughter who is in heat...
  14. ResilientRosie

    Preparing for Arrival!

    The Petmate Cabin Kennel seems pretty good. I just got one. I do have cat carriers, which are probably fine, but I wanted something that was top-loading. It opens in half like a clam shell and has a wire top so that you can see in. The wire top has a little door that you can reach into, but I...
  15. ResilientRosie

    Checking for Hair Rings on a recently acquired Chinchilla

    I agree with ChinnyMom and Tunes that you should let him get adjusted to his new home first. That is the most important thing because you need to keep his stress level down. It's unlikely that it's a self-mutilation behavior, but as ChinnyMom said, it may be a self-pleasuring behavior. When my...
  16. ResilientRosie

    Is your chin right handed or left handed?

    It's really funny you mentioned this because I was just noticing this the other day! My Milo is right-handed and my Otis is a lefty! Once you notice it, it's pretty apparent I think. At least with my chins. They definitely favor one paw to the other. ;)
  17. ResilientRosie

    Earthquake in DC today

    I was woken from my nap yesterday afternoon because my bed shook. I live in Michigan! I was surprised to hear later where the quake was, but then again a couple of months ago we felt the aftershocks of a quake too. That time my wine glasses rattled and I had never experienced something like that...
  18. ResilientRosie

    Unexpected Rescue

    You are amazing for being able to hold your tongue during that ordeal! As I was reading your story, a whole bunch of things that I would have wanted to say ran through my head... Thank goodness for your big heart and know-how. This chinny girl will have the home she deserves now! As others...
  19. ResilientRosie

    Overnight cage/carrier

    That is a really cool carrier! I think I might even consider that for my cats in the future. They seem more at ease if they can see what's going on. For chins, I think your idea is a good one - the mesh will provide better air flow. :)
  20. ResilientRosie

    The Handbag Thread!

    Handbag is so awesome. I just read through this entire thread as I hadn't before. Thank you for sharing your wonderful relationship with us! You are a great chinnie mom!! :D