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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. MamaJ

    Was this a seizure? what now?

    I was just giving my two chinchillas their usual evening out of cage playtime when I noticed my one guy, Spookie was laying on his side having "spasms" for lack of a better term. The movements were slow and he seemed out of it, his eyes were closed. I was very scared, gently picked him up and...
  2. MamaJ

    Unusual behavior, possible no longer getting along

    Shoe is about 2 years old and Spookie is a little less than 1.5 years. They have been happily together since Spookie was 11 weeks old. About 4 days ago I noticed a behavior change in my 2 boys. They seem to have scuffles during playtime, Spookie will usually approach Shoe, sniff him (nose to...
  3. MamaJ

    soft poop when feeding pellets

    A few days ago, Mr. Shoe started having very soft, smelly poops, the kind that actually sticks to the shelves. I pulled all pellets, just fed hay and water and a piece of burnt toast. All poop returned to normal after a few hours so i added the pellets back the next day. The same night I noticed...
  4. MamaJ

    Christmas Shoe

    Without words.... :)
  5. MamaJ

    yet another intro

    so we got a little 9 week old boy for our 8 months old guy. They have been next to one another for a few days and we have had a few combined playtimes in a smaller space and they did ok. Mostly ignoring, some nose to nose sniffing and some minor chasing. But tonight we let them out in the same...
  6. MamaJ

    Spooky is coming home tomorrow

    We have been looking around for a little while, but yesterday we finally found our perfect new chin boy at Ponytrail (Thanks Moon), who hopefully will become a cagemate to our Mr. Shoe down the road. We named him Spooky, fitting since we "met" him on Halloween. (Almost) welcome home Spooky:dance3:
  7. MamaJ

    Nice big house?

    I am trying to find a nice big new hidey house for Mr. Shoe and his baby brother that will be joining the family soon. I don't really like the ones at petco or petsmart. I did email "simplychintastic", but are there any other places that carry nice chinnie homes? Thanks!;)
  8. MamaJ

    AC/too hot?

    My apartment complex has turned off the AC this past week. It has been nice and cool but the last 3 days were pretty hot. Yesterday it got up to 76 degrees in the apartment. I was on standby with frozen bottles and my car keys, ready to take my little guy for a ride, should he show signs of...
  9. MamaJ

    playtime scare

    Late yesterday evening I let my little guy out for his usual daily playtime in his chin proof area. Everything is normal for the first 10 minutes, he popcorns a little, jumps on and off boxes. Then all of a sudden he stops and starts trembling/light shaking. I gently pick him up (normally he...
  10. MamaJ

    Fire Drill Chin

    So today the fire alarm went off in our building. We weren't too concerned but went outside anyway. After a few minutes several trucks showed up, hoses were taken out, people storming into the apartment building. This was an actual fire. I squeeze back into the building, run into the apartment...
  11. MamaJ

    no luck on playtime adjustment

    i posted a while ago when I first got my boy. From the very beginning he just does not want to come out in the evenings anytime before 11:30pm. I have tried for at least 2 weeks to just take him out anyway to show him "look chin boy, this is your playtime", but he will just sit in the corner and...
  12. MamaJ

    chin spin breaking cage?

    Wow, I woke up last night to what sounded extra loud rattling of the chin spin. I finally peel myself out of bed to check and realize that one of the top bars has literally snapped in half from what I assume is the weight of the wheel combined with the impact of my little boy running like crazy...
  13. MamaJ

    Happy Birthday Shnouche

    Here is a shout out to the sweetest little birthday boy. Shnouche is 6 months old today. Happy Birthday fuzzybutt :HB:
  14. MamaJ

    hair ring check - squirmy chin

    I did a search on previous posts about this but didn't see too much about what you can do with really squirmy chins. I think my boy is due for his first hair ring check, I have seen him clean his penis several times today. My guy is very sweet but most certainly HATES to be held and it is...
  15. MamaJ

    teeth grinding?

    I feel I saw a similar post about teeth grinding the other day, but didn't see it now when I just apologies if this is sort of a duplicate. I have had my boy for 4 months now. He is 6 months old and happy as a clam as far as i can tell. Hops, jumps, eats, poops - all the good...
  16. MamaJ

    falling out of love with the tube

    I am wondering why my guy suddenly does not like to be in his spongebob tunnel anymore that I bought a couple of months ago from a member here. He LOVED it for weeks, there was always tons of poop in there the next morning and all of a sudden, I don't see him in it anymore at all - no poop...
  17. MamaJ

    When will he be fully grown

    I have read many different things. My guy is 5 months old now, I am curious as to when approx. he will be fully grown.
  18. MamaJ

    Fruit flavored mineral chews

    Had to buy a temporary cage the other day when the AC went out in our home and I had to relocate my little guy to a hotel. It was some kind of chinchilla starter kit. Amongst other things (most of which was crap) I found a little box of "Fruit flavored mineral chews". Before I toss those, I...
  19. MamaJ

    First Fire Drill - sigh

    We have been having crazy storms in my area for a few days now. Yesterday afternoon it happened....power/AC went out. It is really hot right now, so the apartment heated up very fast. Ran out, bought a temporary cage, put my little boy in his carrier and booked a hotel room real fast. Had to...
  20. MamaJ

    No water for 24 hours

    I just got home from 3 days out of town. During this time I had a pet sitter to take care of him, make sure the AC worked in my apartment etc. Well, I just walked in to a pretty lethargic chin, a completely empty water bottle and a totally soaked bottom liner. It appears that the rubber stopper...