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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. S

    Shedding like crazy

    My female chin seems to be shedding A LOT lately! Its not in clumps or anything but it just seems like her purple fleece liner is always covered in her white fur. My male chin hardly sheds at all unless he gets stressed out. Is it normal for my female to shed so much? Is there anything I can...
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    HELP!? Female cage mates fighting

    I tried to introduce one of my females to my male...I have been gradually putting them together for short periods. But today when I took the female out and put her back with her original FEMALE cage mate, the cage mate attacked her! They fought and chased eachother on and off for like 15...
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    Poor Trypp!!!

    Sooo I posted the other day that my chinnie had a bald spot that turned into a large bump. Well the poor little guy popped the abcess and aggravated it to the point where it was black and he chewed all the way down to his muscle (in his arm). As soon as we noticed it we rush him to the vet for...
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    Painful tumor, cyst?

    I recently took my chin Trypp to the vet for an eye infection. I was given drops and successfully gave him 9 doses. The vet told me to increase his dust baths to reduce stress. I posted on here the same day that we visited the vet (later that day) that he had scratched all his hair off in 1...
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    Scratching...bald spot

    So yesterday my chin Trypp developed an eye infection. He had been scratching his eye so much that his hair was falling out around it. I got eye drops for him and after 3 doses his eye is doing better (although I think he hates me know). He is still scratching quite a bit all over his little...
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    First Dust Bath

    How early should a baby Chin get its first dust bath?
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    Length of pregnancy

    After two Chins mate...about how long is it until the kits are born?
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    Best age to start breeding

    I've been looking around but can't get a straight answer. I am wondering what age a chin should be before you breed her? Thanks