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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. D

    2 males 2 females

    Earlier this year I brought home my first two male chinchillas, and I loved them so much around a month ago I got two females from a friend who didn't want them anymore. Yesterday they moved into the same room as my my males, though the cages are away from each other. The boys definitely know...
  2. D

    Should he be drawing blood when he nips me?

    So I brought home two new chinchillas around two weeks ago, both males both 3 months old. Their personalities could NOT be any different. One is extremely tame, loves to come jump on me for scritches, and he popcorns and chirps his little heart out during playtime. His cage mate is a different...
  3. D

    How long does it take to form a hierarchy?

    So I've had my two male chins home now for about 10 days. A pink white, Bort, and a very dark ebony, Funzo. Both have settled in really well and have really gotten used to me, both very curious and will come sit on my hand when it's in the cage (but don't like being picked up just yet, working...
  4. D

    First car ride home

    Will be collecting two chins this week, new home is all ready and I'm armed to the teeth with info, can't wait to get have them. The drive home with them will be just over 2 hours, will they be ok in a pet carrier for this length of time? We're having a heatwave in the UK at the moment so I was...
  5. D

    First time owner, getting them settled..

    Hi All, So next week i'll be bringing home two gorgeous males, one pink white one very dark ebony. I've been lurking around this place the past few months in anticipation, soaking up as much knowledge as I can. They'll both be 3 months old, I just have a few questions I'm hoping someone can...