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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. P

    Wanting to buy a bass pan for FN cage?

    I want to buy a bass pan for my FN but I'm unsure of what dimensions to get it ordered in? Does anyone have one for their FN? If so, what dimensions did you use? Thanks in advance! :hmm:
  2. P

    Good vacuum for poop and hay?

    Thank you everyone! :)
  3. P

    Good vacuum for poop and hay?

    I am looking into buying a vacuum that won't get clogged up every time I try to vacuum up their poop and hay. I would like to know what specific vacuums you guys use that work well. :) Thank you.
  4. P

    Is it normal for a Chin's teeth to show a little?

    I'm really sorry if this is a dumb question. I just want to be informed in case I need a trip to the vet. I can see my boy's teeth poke out a little bit with his mouth closed. It's a very little bit, but should I be concerned that his teeth are on their way to becoming overgrown? I always give...
  5. P

    Just got my Ferret Nation Double unit yesterday and...

    ...I love this cage. I had a Prevue Hendryx cage before and knew that it wouldn't be enough space for two adult chinchillas so I got the FN. Now I know why everyone recommends it. My boys were so happy that they were popcorning for a good hour or so once I finally placed them in (Had to make...
  6. P

    Successfully introduced two chins for the first time!

    Yeah aha they chased each other because the cage I had them in was small like one ferret nation unit. My double unit just arrived today so I know they will be excited to get in a much larger cage. :) They are still doing fine though. My oldest is actually friendlier now that he has company.
  7. P

    Successfully introduced two chins for the first time!

    I recently got a new chin and he is very young. My older one is a little over a year old and is the first chinchilla I ever owned. Today after switching them between each other's cages and having the oldest in a smaller cage while the youngest roams about the cage, I decided to have them freely...
  8. P

    Urine guards for Ferret nation?

    Thank you. I think I will just order some from Whimsy. :)
  9. P

    Urine guards for Ferret nation?

    I was planning on buying an FN for my two boys soon and was wondering where I could order urine guards for the FN 182?
  10. P

    making a wooden chinchilla house?

    Thank you very much! :)
  11. P

    making a wooden chinchilla house?

    How do you typically stick the wood together? Are there safe glues out there? I plan on making one out of poplar or kiln dried pine but I am just curious as to what kind of glue is used. Thanks :)
  12. P

    Introducing a young chin to an older one?

    I have had my Standard male for a little over a year now, he has tantrums easily and appears to be okay living on his own but I can tell he gets lonely at times. So, a couple of days ago, I got another chin, an ebony hetero. He is only about 9 weeks old. I have their cages next to each other...
  13. P

    All Living Things Flip Top Water Bottle?

    Mine doesn't seem to even be trying.
  14. P

    All Living Things Flip Top Water Bottle?

    I don't much care for the brand to be honest and the Lixit would probably be better but I decided to try it because it mounts to the cage and my Chin has a real problem with knocking his water bottle over. I gave his old water bottle to the new Chin I got yesterday since they have to be housed...
  15. P

    Thinking about a larger cage for when I get my new boy.

    Wow those look amazing. I have my rats in a petco manor, nearly makes me want to get a ferret nation for my chin and rats haha. What kind of bedding did you use? Was it aspen?