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  1. elvilla

    How long after birth before mommy can bathe?

    My Priscilla had a little boy 12 days ago and I'm trying to remember how long I'm supposed to wait before giving her a bath? I've been checking her vulva and she's not swollen like before but she's not 100% back to normal yet either. She only had one kit so I'm thinking 2 weeks should be...
  2. elvilla


    Congratulations! I can never get enough of everyone's pics of their kits!
  3. elvilla

    Z1 Kit!

    Congratulations! What a big boy! Did you come up with a name yet? Since he's a big boy, how about Albert? lol
  4. elvilla

    Z25 is here!

    What a cutie-patootie!!! COngratulations!
  5. elvilla

    How long before new mommy can have dust bath?

    Ok! Do you let the kits stay in the cage with her while she's dusting or should I take them out in case they get too curious and try to hop in while she's rolling?
  6. elvilla

    How long before new mommy can have dust bath?

    My girl Priscilla had hr litter on Tuesday and I'm wondering how long I should wait before letting her take a dust bath? I read that I need to wait at least a week to give her vagina a chance to close so she doesn't get an infection. Is that correct? And what about the kits? They're fine for...
  7. elvilla

    Violet's fur?

    omg spoof that mohawk is too much! i love it!!!
  8. elvilla

    First Post

    WOW that is beautiful, that's my favorite of all the colors!!! Is he really pure black??? You're so lucky!!
  9. elvilla

    Welcome to the world!

    ...YAY the pics uploaded!!! OK so the first pic is of Kratos and Elliott (the oldest and youngest, respectively). Kratos is the standard grey kit. The second pic is a solo of Ella, the runt. So tiny... but so CUTE!!!!
  10. elvilla

    Welcome to the world!

    hmm i think my pics are too big. i'll have to change the settings on my camera and try again!
  11. elvilla

    Welcome to the world!

    I joined this site yesterday and already introduced myself, but now I have more intros to do... Welcome to the world to (in order of birth) Kratos, Ella and Elliott!!!!!!! My little Priscilla had her litter today! I'm nervous as heck but am ridiculously proud of my little punkin! She did a...
  12. elvilla

    Wrong yogurt!

    ah, gotcha. i'll eat the yogurt myself instead. i was going to try hand-feeding already because i had it in my head that priscilla isn't producing enough milk for all 3 kits. they've been under her for a long time now and at one point priscilla was yipping, i think the kits were biting her...
  13. elvilla

    First-time pregnant chin... Advice?

    really? oh boy that makes me feel better, thank you! i was losing my mind trying to figure out how to give them something so they don't starve overnight. ella (the runt) weighed it at only 26 grams, i'm a little afraid for her. i'm sure i'm not the first one to freak out like this, but it...
  14. elvilla

    First-time pregnant chin... Advice?

    ok... sorry i guess i'm just paranoid. i'm mainly worried that priscilla isn't producing enough milk for all 3 because at one point they were under there for a long time! i'm going to by some cran juice to stimulate milk production. any recommended brands?
  15. elvilla

    Wrong yogurt!

    My Priscilla had a litter of 3 today! I'm very excited but am nervous at the same time because the runt is so tiny and her younger brother keeps fighting with her over mommy's teats. It looks like I may have to hand-feed. I ran out to the grocery store but they were closed, so I hit the...