updated pictures of Z13 - 5 weeks later

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Feb 1, 2009
Central NJ
First pictures were posted in March of my beautifully marked white ebony. Here she is 5 weeks later - I call her Peepers because she is constantly peeping . It sounds like I have 2 or 3 baby chicks in her cage




Barb you posted in the wrong section. Only admins can post to the FAQ section. You needed to be in breeding and babies and you were in breeding and babies FAQ.

All better now. :)
I still can't see them. It says attatchments pending approval. I wanna see them!!!!!:tantrum:
You should be able to see them now. The software still had them listed as moderated.

She is a cutie Barb.
Would not matter how close or far you live - she is mine!!. The darker spot on her head (1st pict) is actually black. Another reason she is called Peepers - she sounds like the peepers that sound off around here at night
in the first picture she kind of looks like a guinea pig hehehe

very cute, though (obviously)
The mom is a white ebony and dad is a choc (very dark tan to the roots) In the face she looks a lot like mom. However mom does not have the black spot