Please Help Me!

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New member
Feb 27, 2013
My fiance's little brother came to stay with us last night and wanted to see little Pudge, our 2 and a half month old hedgie. We allowed him to hold him and all went well at first. Then after a couple hours of Pudge sleeping/playing on him while we watched movies, Brendan decided he was done playing with him and stood up to bring him to me. The movement must have scared Pudge because he suddenly quilled and balled up. Brendan cried out, dropped him and then became angry and kicked him across the room! That was at 11 last night and i have been up with him since trying to hold him, cuddle him in his favorite blankie, speak very softly to him in the special voice i always use while talking to him, ive tried getting him to eat or fall asleep in his bag, on me and in his blankie but he hasnt slept all night, which is scary enough without the other stuff (i will describe shortly) because usually he sleeps every chance he gets. He is irritable and jumpy, constantly trying to escape my hands when i hold him, huffing, hissing, jumping at me, shaking his head. I dont know what to do! Pudge has been my best friend and such a sweet little boy since the day we got him. He goes everywhere with me. He sleeps on my chest or on my shoulder burrowed into my hair. He always lets me stroke his quills and rub his tummy even though he sometimes quills at my fiance when he tries.
I have checked him over for any injuries and he seems to be ok. He doesnt react particularly upset when i touch any one body part, his legs arent broken and other than twitching when i try to pet him and not eating he doesnt seem to be hurt.
Please help me! I just cant believe that theres nothing i can do. I love my little Pudge the way he was and i dont want to lose my best friend. Is he traumatized? Will he stay this way forever? Is there anything i can do???? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me! I am begging you.
It's quite possible that in addition to the psychological trauma, little Pudge may be suffering internal injuries that you can't see from the outside.

I would bring Pudge to the vet for a full check-up. Being dropped is problematic enough, but then to be kicked and go flying/sliding across the room is huge.
Poor little guy. I hope he feels better. Do you have a good vet? I see you are in Illinois. I am too, the Chicago suburbs. There are some great vets around here.
I just got back from the vet and he says that physically he is ok but mentally he may not ever be the same. Any suggestions as to what i could do to restore his trust in us and have my little guy back again?
I'm glad he is okay physically. I would let him rest tonight in his house and go back to basics tomorrow. Like put a t-shirt you have worn so it smells like you in his house, after checking to make sure there are no threads. Pick him up slowly, maybe talk to him before you do. Hold him in his bag or in his blanket and talk to him and let him poke his nose out if he feels comfortable. Start off for short times and then get longer. Maybe set him on the floor and let him explore at his own pace. Give him some time. Keep us updated please.
I am very glad to hear that, physically, Pudge checks out a-okay.

As for the psychological, Raindog is quite right. Give him warning before you do anything with him - talk to him before you pick him up. Move slowly and carefully... talk to him before you do anything; eg, "okay Pudge, I'm going to scoop you up now and we're going to sit together for awhile." Let him hide in a hedgiebag on your lap. Take a nice, long time to develop a trusting relationship with you. Be consistent with what you do with him so he can come to expect certain things at certain times... like "the light just turned on, my human will be in here to clean up my wheel and check on me soon."

You could try chamomile - get a tea bag and keep it nearby when you hold him... You can put it underneath the blankie or hedgiebag that Pudge is in while you're holding him. I wouldn't leave the tea bag in an accessible place, but you could leave it close to his cage overnight. You could also try Rescue Remedy.

The key to this is getting him to trust that you will help keep him safe. Keep interacting with him in a calm, loving, and predictable manner. He should improve over time. Do not give up on him.

I'd limit the number of people with whom he interacts to those you absolutely know can handle him in a calm and predictable manner - people that, even if he freaks out and bites, will keep calm.
Pudge is doing much better now, thank you so much for your suggestions! I have been very gentle with him and he has stopped huffing at me so much. he now allows me to give him kisses again and i tried carrying him around in his hedgie bag but he wouldnt have that. As soon as i sit he crawls up to my shoulder and hides in my hair. I think he understands that he can trust me and is just a little jumpy. i think his nerves will calm in a few days as long as we keep him on his same, safe, quiet routine.
Sounds like he really wants reassurance that you're there for him (rather than being carried around in his hedgiebag) -- that's sweet. I'm glad he's comfortable running around on you again. And, yep, he should continue to calm with your nice safe, quiet routine.

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