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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Nice to see these new forums up and going. :)
I'm Zalea from HHC, and I was Zalea on CnQ also. My real name is Ashley, but you can call me whichever--I was an avid gamer a few years back and answer to Zae, Zalea, Ash, Ashley...sometimes even hey you, but it depends on who's talking. ;)
I've had my hedgehog Quentin for close to 6 months now. I started up a little website to help other new owners from what I've learned as I go along. It's more of an organization of my notes for myself that turned into something that I feel can help most new owners. It's at http://sinisterhedgies.sinister-intentions.net if you're interested in taking a look. Feel free to give suggestions! :)