Chin needs transport cage

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Ok, I would suggest calming down. I mean for your sake, you seem stressed.

For now, deal with a box and bring the chin to the vet that way. You can order a carrier online without having to spend too much time on it. The one I linked in my earlier post really is a good one and a cheap one too, but with shipping to Canada maybe you can look at the chin supplier list (under chin supplies for sale) and find someone there you can buy a small cage off of. You'll have to pay for shipping but you won't need to worry about getting a ride to the store or taking a lot of time out of your day.

Trust me, trying to grab and keep hold of multiple animals at once when you have an emergency will be way more stressful than buying a small carrier now. And it'll be one more thing you won't have to worry about.
Perhaps the chin food person brings people food and clothes too?

You are saying how you love your chin so much you're taking it in for a check up in midst of your super busy schedule... but really chins don't need check-ups. It's not an emergency, and if you have to "squeeze in" basic care by neglecting your own needs, then how do you have time to interact with your animals? Feeding one chin takes maybe a minute.
Haha, my parents are the ones who bring food home, obviously. Plus it's not like I'm in old clothes, pff, as if. And I do prefer doing this appointment soon cause next week I might barely be in the house and tests will be on it's way. There's no need to put it off some other day. And what if that thing on his leg got worst? Sure, go ahead and take the chance and put the appointment off cause certainly I'm not.

Excuses seriously! Jeez, you sure don't know what you're saying, honestly. Seriously you do not know what busy is, if you want I'll send you the projects I have if you want. All I'm asking is what I can use to put my chin in to go to the vet. Why does that have to be that hard. Has it ever occurred that I might as well buy one of those carriers afterwards? Jeez, I'm in town, I'll get what I need when I'm in it. My question is simple and I'm asking something other than *I have to have a carrier in my possesion*.

Caiti, I think I'll buy that carrier after the vet. It was in my plans.
Part of owning an animal is having the things he needs WHEN he needs them, not AFTER he needs them.

First, you've been told. Chins don't need "check ups." Check ups are pointless unless there is a medical condition that needs followed. If there is a medical condition that needs followed, then you should already have had a carrier after the first visit since there was going to be a follow up.

Second, you don't know what busy is. Busy is raising a family, working full-time, running kids to and from activities, doctors appointments, dentist appointments, grocery shopping, running a house, taking cars in for repairs, AND taking care of (including vetting, feeding, cage cleaning, running for feed and shavings, to the dump with the shavings, etc.) around 400 animals. Somehow, I just don't think your "busy" even comes close to that. And somehow, I manage to have carriers here when an animal needs to go to the vet.
I really wish I wasn't as busy as you. I guess working a full time 40+ hour a week job, planning a wedding, caring for 80+ chinchillas, a dog, 50+ chickens, peacocks, horses and goats is nothing compared to a student.

Oh wait..I was a highschool student 4 years ago with 80+ chinchillas, a dog, working 30 hours a week....

Sorry we've all been there. We've all been students. Its no excuse to not have on hand what is needed to properly care for your pets. You've been given good advice in the beginning of the thread. Instead of crying "poor me" take peoples advice, or make do with what you have. Obviously you can't pull something out of thin you need to find a way.
I'm not yelling poor me to the whole world. You're busy too, it's like you're working 24 hours day, om my. It's just one little thing that hasn't been on my mind, that's all. Yeah I've made mistakes before, lots of them, and I regret them fully. I was asking something other than a carrier and people start lecturing me that I need one and such like I am some sort of bad person. Ohhh you need a carrier, what are you gonna do if there's an emergency? Okay, we're not all perfect. I'm nothing close to perfect, the total opposite. It's like a I just did a crime for not having a carrier. Wouldn't it be better that my chins eat and have water rather than not having one item they will use rarely? I don't have one thing, one small thing and adults are always jumping at me like I did a crime. Always. I have something in hand now, though, of course some will critisize me. I suggest something, oh that's crime too. What if I said I had a 'death ball' in my cupboard, what would you start thinking? All I wanted was an answer, and suggestions. I took what people suggested and been looking around. I have a couple things I could use, though need to arrange for my chin.
I run about 100 chins, 3 inside cats, 3 dogs including a puppy, chickens, geese, pigeons, horses, an alpaca, am a nursing student with a 3.5 GPA and two kids, my husband is gone 8 days straight which makes me a single parent for 8 days. We have 4 1/2 acres I maintain, about 1 acre of it is yard which I take care of, including my gardens, laundry, cooking, shopping, etc. Nah I don't have anything going on either. Did I mention I'm also starting a new job, which will be on a swing shift?

I don't complain about it... because this is what I CHOOSE. You CHOOSE to have a chinchilla. It's not like a medical condition you need to deal with and you had no choice.
I wonder if you couldnt call your local humane society and ask very politely to borrow a carrier for the vet appointment?

I didnt read that part about this a check up and not being a "as soon as possible, although he isnt dying" vet trip--I thought it was a little more on the urgent side.

I have received calls from many pet owners that needed carriers or even transportation to and from a vet appointment for their pets (some urgent and some just to keep their pets healthy), and I or another volunteer/employee was more than happy to help get that vet appt. taken care of. Its a simple thing to do to call and even simpler to receive the help to get there.

I am sure that you would be able to borrow an appropriate carrier from a rescue organization.
Midnight, in the time it has taken you to shout at everybody for politely suggesting you buy a proper chinchilla carrier you could have bought one online & had it delivered.
According to your own postings, you're too busy to do anything & yet, here you are on the forum mouthing off at everybody, having a tantrum.

You've been in this situation before with another chinchilla so it's not as if you didn't know you should have a proper carrier - please don't bother giving us excuses for your lack of preparedness either because it won't wash.

What is the problem with your chin's legs that you are wanting to take him to the vets anyway? It's not an emergency (apparently) so it would be helpful if you could tell us (or show us with a photo) what you are concerned about.
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Midnight, I've lived the busy student life for more years then I can remember. I am a graduate student in my 6th year of college. I've worked 20 + hours a week since high school, and I'm a musician which means I dedicate 4+ hours a day to practicing my instrument. What I'm getting at is that I've been there. I'm not going to criticize you, and I hope you carefully read my entire post because I want to help you and your chin.

Life is stressful and that's never going to change. In all the therapy I've gone to, and self-help books I've read, they all suggest organizing your life in such a way that you can make time to relax. If a person really analyzes their situation, and prioritizes things, there is a way to rework things and make time for oneself.

For me 'relaxing' is chinchilla time. Whether it's playing with her or doing something to care for her like changing food or cleaning the cage. Since it's part of my relaxation time it doesn't take away from me doing homework or taking care of my basic needs.

With that being said if a chinchilla gets sick they are going to need extra attention. It might impose on other activities like work or studying, but chins are dependent on us to fulfill their needs. My Lily fought malo for about 2 months before I had her put down. I re-arranged my work schedule and sometimes missed classes because I had to feed and medicate her at regular intervals. It was STRESSFUL, but caring for her had to be bumped up even higher on my list of priorities.

If your chin is having problems with his leg it will require extra care. Medications, handfeeding, extra cage cleanings, who knows at this point. So you are going to need to re-organize your life to give him the extra attention he needs. Take a few deep breaths and really analyze your schedule to see how you can make some more time for yourself. Not only do you need to do it for your chin, but I have a feeling you'll feel better too.

You've asked for advice and you've been told by people who are well respected on this forum, there is no substitute for a proper carrier. I've read this entire thread and at this point I think your best option is to call a shelter and borrow a carrier as was mentioned. If the shelter doesn't have a carrier find an aquaintance who owns a cat and borrow their cat carrier. Maybe you know someone at school who can bring it with them, then you won't have to drive exta to pick one up.

There are several wonderful online dealers who sell carriers. So if you can't, or won't, go to the store to buy one you can get one online with a few clicks of your mouse. This needs to be your next purchase for your chin.

Good luck.
I just hate it when people always blame me for not being prepared. That's I'll I've been getting. That's why I've been asking for advice all this time, or that was my attempt. I know I don't have a carrier, I should have one but I don't. It really wasn't on my mind to buy one either. So why bother repeating something a person already told me and fuss about it? I just need to be told once. Sure, I could have got out and buy one, but how? My parents can't drive me from one place to another all the time when I want to, I'm not that lil spoiled brat who gets whatever she wants. I am stressing out, even if I managed getting a box. I guess it's a little too late to ask a friend for a carrier since it's the weekend. I've made mistakes, yeah I did. It's not because I don't have a carrier that I am not prepared. Probably consider me a person who takes and acts when certain things happen. What if my house burned down tomorrow? I'm not going to moan there and cry, I'll try finding myself a place to stay at, then I'll try getting out of misery.

Anyway, thanks people who did in fact give me advice. That was what I need, not comments on the fact I need to buy a carrier now. I will look at the animal shelter or pet store. No need in getting one now since I'm heading to the vet in an hour or so. I've been witchy, though, it reading the previous posts it seems like some posts make me a bad chin owner. My chins are fed properly and they are active little angels. I don't have everything nor will I have everything, it's the same for everyone, really. We all do our best for our chins even when times get rough.

I wish I could relax more Brittany. This week hasn't been good at all. At least it's the weekend and I won't have as much pressure on my shoulders as I have now.
I agree with Claire's post above. :wacko:

I just hate it when people always blame me for not being prepared.

I'm going to assume that this also applies to your school projects stressing you out. Perhaps instead of getting defensive that people are pointing out that you are in fact, unprepared, you just say you are right, I will take action to be better prepared in the future. That is a lesson you would be better off learning now because in 5 years or so when you are working at a real job your boss is going to call it for what it is.

In fact, we have a slogan here at my job: "Only complain about a situation to those who can do something about it"

"Anyway, thanks people who did in fact give me advice."

Everyone gave you advice, in fact everyone gave you good advice. You just chose to ignore and complain about the advice you were given that you didn't agree with.

Midnight, I have said this before to others and I'll say it again, members of this forum are here for the safety and welfare of chins first and foremost, so yes they are going to tell you and not sugar coat when something is not safe for your chin. It is not safe for your chin to ride unsecured in a car. Members pointed out the safe solution to that. End of story.

"No need in getting one now since I'm heading to the vet in an hour or so."

Really? Yes, get one now while you are out so you are PREPARED in the future for when you need to go to the vet. This is part of that learning experience I was talking about. Because otherwise you will be here in this same situation again.
Having your parents take you to get a carrier has nothing to do with being a 'spoiled brat' and has everything to do with being a responsible pet owner. My sisters have pets, and if they need something for their animals, my parents don't accuse them of being spoiled, they go out and get it before the circumstance arrives where it would be too late. If your parents aren't willing to help you get what you need, then you should look into finding someone who will get your animals what they need. And yes, they need carriers for travel be it for two minutes or two hours. What would you do if you had a situation in which you had to leave your home due to fire or something? Keep the chin in a basket or box for a few days? It's not gonna work. You need a carrier.
I have a note pinned behind me at work. It reads as follows:
A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

Nuff said. ;)
Wow, Claire - not to derail, but I am absolutely going to steal your idea and post that saying in my office as well. That's excellent.
i just have a questions about the carriers. i use a bigger carrier because if i go away for the weekend then he stays in it all weekend and is in the car in it......should i get a second little carrier just for the car so its safer? and if i get another chin should i have them each in their own tiny carrier? what if its a long car ride? Im not planning on any trips with them right now but im just curious......
i just have a questions about the carriers. i use a bigger carrier because if i go away for the weekend then he stays in it all weekend and is in the car in it......should i get a second little carrier just for the car so its safer? and if i get another chin should i have them each in their own tiny carrier? what if its a long car ride? Im not planning on any trips with them right now but im just curious......

I had this cage for Chloe when I brought her home with me every other weekend. It was actually the cage she came to me with. She seemed to like being able to run around while she was in passenger's seat, but it was a huge pain carrying it around through door ways and I always had to make multiple trips to get my actual stuff (clothes etc) afterwards (when you live on a hill and cannot park up top for some reason this is not pleasant). After reading some posts, especially Dawn's about how her chin survived a car crash because he wasn't able to ricochet off his cage I bought this carrier and I like it. Chloe took a couple trips to get used to it but she still falls asleep every time after about 15 minutes.

You can get a carrier that holds two chins also, like this one or Ryerson's sells carriers I think the price is per hole so you can do that (it may be cheaper too).
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