They tricked me

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super-duper hedgiepig
Jan 29, 2009
Does this look like the face of a trickster:

This is Miss Marlee Twyla Hufflepuff - the newest addition to the Hufflepuff family.

This morning, Marlee and Bella played a trick on me. They are very clever.

I looked into each girl's cage and saw their wheels. Bella had a relatively clean wheel - many little logs were set on the mat near her wheel. Bella is rather tidy. I look into Marlee's cage and see a fully coated wheel. Poops mashed here and there... streaks showing where the poo & pee slurry traveled... quite the poopstorm in there.

Morning snuggle with Bella is first - I take out the wheelmat and poops, wipe down her wheel with a hedgiewipe, and then take her out. Someone has poopboots! How did that happen?! I don't have supplies out for a footbath... ugh... popped a few dried poops off the toes and promise her a footbath and liner change tonight.

Next is Marlee - considering the state of her wheel, I pull out her wheel and wheelmat, put them in the tub for scrubbing, run some warm water into a small hedgie-sized tub, put down a washcloth, take out a bath blankie, pick her up. Her feet are clean! Clean?!?!?!

Very tricky.

And very loveable.
What you don't know is that they secretly switched cages during the night and ran in each other's wheels.
You're probably right. This is what I get for failing to install a nighttime video monitoring system in the hedgie room.
Never underestimate your tricky hedgies. Who knows what you will find tomorrow.
This morning I found 6 messy feet and 2 clean ones. Baby hedgie has learned to stand in her water dish!

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