dumbest thing your chin has ever done

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2011
ok so i couple of days ago i was watching my baby chinchilla run in her cage and she darted into her house for some reason kicking bedding everywhere and she jumped and hedbutted her house :rofl: she seemed to be ok though and kept playing. im not trying to be mean it was just reaaaaaallly funny
Rhino has been known to go bouncing head first right into the side of my leg when he's out for play time, lol. the silly bugger doesn't look where he's frolicking sometimes!
One of my fosters scared the crap out of me last night. She is about six months old and a real rowdy. I was sitting in the playpen feeding another chin when I heard a strange sound come from the wheel in the triplet's cage. It was kind of a bang. I looked up and all I could see was a chin tail going round and round in the chin spin. Then she came flying out of it and landed on her side. She laid there with a glazed look and her head wobbling around. She would just fall over if she tried to stand up. Imagine a 5 year old kid trying to walk after spinning around until they are dizzy and that was just how she looked. I of course panicked thinking head injury and/or seizure. By the time I put down the chin I was feeding and started to head towards her she got her feet under her and took off like nothing had happened. Once I realized she was just dizzy, I had a hard time feeding the chin because I was laughing so hard.
round a round the chinnie goes........ lol!!!! i would have paid to see that obcsed! good to hear she was just dazed for a bit there.
Haha obcsed! Glad she was ok!!

When I had a wheel in their playpen and playtime was over, my chins like to jump in their wheel and attempt to run away from me. lol. Like they are gonna get very far!

I also love when Chichi and Tia get in their wheel and try to run opposite directions. Always a funny time.. haha
You're seriously going to make me pick just one? ;-) Each of my kids has had their moments over the years, but I think Gus still wins. He got spooked and slipped a bunch of fur when the pizza guy knocked on our front door.

I even caught it on camera
My chin, Tinkerbell, has never done anything dumb :p Actually, chewing on electrical cords might be the only dumb thing she has done...or does that make me dumb for having the cord too close to her cage in the first place!
Hahaha, Brittany--that's hilarious!!

I can't really think of wicked dumb things Chloe has done. Sometimes when she's on her top shelf and popcorning, she forgets where the ceiling is and popcorns into it.

Probably the dumbest thing she's done is run towards a door that had a cat on the other side and a space where its paw could fit through...though if that's Chloe's dumbest moment, it's definitely mine too!!! Thankfully, all is well now!
My chinchilla Zidane did his dumbest thing ever just yesterday. I gave him a new treat of Irish oats for the first time (the only ingredient was Irish oats and they cook up the same as regular, only they're in granular form. No sugar or sodium either.) He liked it so much that even when he had eaten all of the little bit I had in my hand he reached over as I moved my hand away and fell off his shelf. He sat there for a minute as though wondering why he was on the floor of his cage before bouncing off to his house then finally back on the shelf. I went from freaking out because I was afraid he hurt himself to laughing because he actually fell off his shelf.
I agree, I would love to see the chin going round and round Obcesed.
Well my chins does some dome and odd things. The funniest one is when Tinker amazingly sprung up to my window and decided to climb up on the screen (window was shut). Here I'm watching with jaws open and ended up laughing so hard when she started barking at people passing by. Somehow she thinks she's a dog at that moment, either way I went and had to slowly pry her off my window screen and she hopped on my head.
Meegus used to sit on the window sill by the door and watch the world go by, one evening she was there when the pizza guy came to drop off, he put his face up to her and she sprayed the window, back splash freaked her out and she fell off, hit Tiki and got sprayed some more. Pizza guy also was not impressed!
Dumbest thing I guess would be when Doesha (850 grams) thought he could fit though a 1-1/2 wire cube space. Well to his credit he got all the way to his tummy. His hips were stuck and I actually had to squeeze his rib cage together a little to get him back out. OMG!
One funny moment was while watching a Mt. St. Helens documentary. It was evening and they were up and active, then they heard the explosions and all four boys would dive and take cover......then they would peek and slowly come out and do it all over again lol
My favorite thing to do is watch my growers dust. They get their dust on the metal ledges at the back of my grower cages since the cages are just too small for any kind of dust bath. The "intelligent" chinchillas get so fanatic about rolling that I can sit there and count the thunks as they roll right off the ledges. One of my girls did that and got up looking around to see if anyone noticed then hopped back on the ledge to start popcorning. Unfortunately, she didn't realize how close the top of the cage was once she was on the ledge and she popcorned her head into the ceiling of her cage, fell onto her shelf and rolled right off again.

You own chins long enough and you'll have endless stories of them being dorks. My friend and I like to call any of our animals adorkable when they do stupid things. :D