Male neutering/re-introduction

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New member
Mar 10, 2016
This isn't exactly about breeding...but I had my male chinchilla neutered exactly a month ago today. He has been kept separate from the female and he is completely healed and back to normal.
I know it is usually recommended to get same sex pairs, but I adopted these two as they already knew each other and had bonded. (she's definitely not pregnant)
I want to know whether now it has been a month if they can be together again?? I've read around and some people say wait 4 weeks, others say wait 6? They are both getting more depressed the longer they are away from each other, so that's why I'm asking!
I could be wrong as I've never had a chin neutered, but I'm pretty sure it takes up to 8 weeks for all the sperm to leave the male's system. About a month to heal, but about two months for everything to be completely out of him.

The best way to reintroduce them once you get to that point is to treat them like two new chins. That includes meeting on neutral ground, cleaning the cage they will be going into together so it doesn't smell like one chin or the other, etc. Take it slow as if they are strangers, if the hit it off right away, great, but don't just put them back together in a cage. After being separate, it is possible they won't want to be friends anymore too.
As someone who has been down the neutering path; wait 8 full weeks before you start reintroduction. Also beware there is a very high chance that your chinchillas will act like complete strangers and start fighting. So plan on introducing them like complete strangers and take it slow.
Ok, thanks for the advice :) I just needed a second opinion.
Yes, I will have to take it slow when re-introducing them. But because they live in a huge cage, with Marvin on the top and phoebe at the bottom they are aware of each other. I also have them sharing the same dust and swapping round food bowls so they smell each other . They chat to each other all evening, so I'm feeling hopeful that they will eventually be happy together again.

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