Hedgie injury help please!!

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New member
Oct 26, 2012
A few minutes ago I discovered a bloody area on my hedgie's back/butt. I picked her up and near her tail there was a bit of poop and bedding stuck to her, and I saw a bit of what looked like blood. So I gently washed her off and a few quills came off with the poop and bedding, revealing a bloody area of skin. It looks REALLY bad. She is not actively bleeding, her poops are normal, but I can't tell if she is in constant pain. She certainly does not like me to go near that area or touch it. But it looks horrible and looks painful. I don't know what to do.
I will add pictures in comments in a few minutes.
We can not help her, no one on a forum can. She needs to go to an Exotics vet tonight. Do not let her suffer in pain when I'm sure she can be helped. Update us please and Good Luck
Agreed, please get her to a vet. Let us know when she's alright. We wll be thinking of her!
Spotted your post first on HHC; not sure if you're reading here or there.

My thoughts based on the details on HHC: if you cannot get to an emergency vet, get her a vet appointment 1st thing in the morning. Tonight, I'd make sure the area is clean (just water) and dry (pat it dry). Put a little regular strength neosporin/polysporin (NOT the extra strength; NOT the pain relieving) over the area. Clean out her living area. Take all the paper bedding out, scrub down her cage and replace the paper with clean fleece. If you don't have fleece tonight, you can use a clean t-shirt, pillow case, etc... temporarily. Then find her some fleece tomorrow (you don't have to go crazy and get fancy liners... remnants from a fabric store in white or a light color work wonderfully. Flannel also works well. The idea is to find a fabric that doesn't come apart into threads (hedgies have been known to get threads wrapped around toes - which cuts off circulation) - fleece, flannel, and corduroy fit the bill quite well. You want to aim for a light color to allow you to see if she 's bleeding and how much. Dark colors hide the extent of the bleeding.

First thing when you get up in the morning, wash the area again with plain water and pat it dry. Do not rub it dry; do not try and get inventive and use a hair dryer or whatever. Put on another coat of neosporin. Then call the vet for an appointment. The reason I'm thinking you want to get to the vet is (1) to assess for and treat any infection and (2) to help figure out what caused it in the first place -- like if she had a splinter or ingrown quill that become infected or whatnot.
smhufflepuff- I saw your response on hedgehog central. Thank you so much. I followed your instruction- washed it with water gently, applied polysporin, completely cleaned her cage and put down a fleece pet blanket. She seems fine and isn't messing with it, as far as I can tell. I'm just hoping she will fall asleep now.

If anything changes, or there's slightly more cause to worry, I will take her to a vet immediately.

Thank you all very much for your responses.

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