Got my new chin, and thinking whats normal and whats not.

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New member
Oct 10, 2018
So, me and my wife got a chin a month ago. We never had one, but she had a rabbit for a while. Oh and we named him Goku :D According to pet store workers hes around 5months old.
So, after we got him, we did read almost everything on this forum, it was very helpful. So when we got him, gor a first week he was always barking when we approached him. Then he settled down. Now he almost doesnt make any noise, except for squeeking. As always the pet shop gave us crap food and wheel, because thr wheel was only 11". The food was only balanced chin food, which is different pieces. Had no problem with getting the proper food here in lithuania, but theres nowhere to get a 14-16" wheel. But found a guy who will make it for us.. anyways, we just got a bigger cage, with more room, and more stuff to do. And now hes not as active as he used to be in a small cage with only a house. He often sleeps on the side or on the stomach, not moving when wr try to pet him (he did used to move and sniff the arm), its as if hes playing dead. He always was active from 00:00 too 9 in the morning, but now hes sleeping almost all the time. On play time, when we let him out hes active as always, but its different when he gets in the cage. Could it be that he doesnt like the cage, or hes not used too?
We feed him only hay grains, hay, and from time to time we give him oats as treats.
If he has always been in a small cage having a big cage can be overwhelming. Think of it like living your whole life in a small house, then being moved into a mansion. The new cage may not smell like him yet either, which can be scary since chins are territorial. Sleeping on his side is actually normally a good sign that he is feeling comfortable and safe. Chinchillas do sleep most of the day, they are most awake for a few hours in the middle of the night and middle of the day. However I'm a bit confused, is he not moving but is active during play time? A 5 month old chin is still a baby really, and shouldn't be given more then about 5-10 minutes of out of cage playtime a day or they can over exert themselves. Kits can't regulate their blood sugar as well as adults, so they can end up with a dangerous drop in blood sugar if they over exert themselves, leading to seizures, coma, and death.

Also I would wait on getting a wheel until he is full grown, kits have a tendency to over do it and lose weight. Even some adults don't know when to quit with wheels, so it's something to watch out for. Especially if given regular playtime chins don't need wheels, and bigger is better. 14" is the absolute minimum size, and that is assuming your chin is smaller size, bigger chins might not fit. Their back should not arch backwards at all when running on it.

Chins that are alone don't make much noise, he probably barked a lot when you first got him because he was scared and calling out. Once they feel safe they don't bark or cry as much, and almost never chatter because they don't have anyone to talk chinchilla to.
Had a raugh week, so couldnt post.
So now hed used to the cage. He runs around it, has his favorite spots, has his sleeping spots, its normal. But he might like it too much, because he now refuses too get out of it. He doesnt want to go out for play time. We dont force him, just open the door and let him decide if he wants to. But thats the problem, he doesnt leave the cage at all. He used jump out of the small cage the second we open it, even already stand in front of the door when we come near. But now hes always inside. Might be the problem that he used to bathe at play time, but bigger cage makes a spot for his bath tray. So we keep it there, and just clean it every 2 days with the cage himself.

Plus we read somewhere that chins are social animals, and we are thinking of geting him a friend. Is that a good idea?
Oh and forgot to mention that he started scratching often. Thats not normal is it? Read somewhere that chins dont get flees, because of the dens fur.
I would give him a bit more time, it's not uncommon for chins to get a bigger cage and then not feel as cramped so they don't want to come out and play. Once the novelty of the new cage wears off he will likely want out again.

Leaving the dust bath in the cage all the time is dangerous. The constant exposure to dust in the air can lead to respiratory issues, as well as eye and ear infections. Also unless you live in a very humid place, taking a bath too frequently can dry out the skin, causing it to become itchy, flaky, and crack. The other issue is most chins will pee and poop in the dust, so unless you are changing the dust bath out every single time he goes potty in it (so many times a day) he is bathing in poop and pee. The combination of these is a disaster waiting to happen. Dust baths should only be offered to the chin for about 5-10 minutes, or until they are done bathing, and in most cases just a few times a week.

As for getting him a friend, yes chins are social animals, just like humans. However just like humans not all chins like all other chins and some even prefer to live alone. If you want another chin keep in mind that there is no guarantee they will get along and may need to be caged separately forever. It can also happen that even bonded pairs can have a falling out and no longer want to be friends, even after living happily together for years. Your best chance of getting them to bond is make sure the personalitys mix, dominate/submissive or submissive/submissive. Having a friend can help with confidence, they aren't doing things or facing things alone. Even if they don't get along, having another chin in the same room can be beneficial, it gives them someone to chat in chinchilla to.

A new chin would need to be quarantined in another room for 30 days, it allows the new chin time to settle in and you to get to know the new chin. It also allows any illness the new chin might be carrying to show up before exposing your current chin to it. After that time bonding between to chins takes time, anywhere from hours to months or even years, you can't rush it. Once again think of it like humans, sometimes two people just hit it off right away, others take time to get to know each other. Just keep in mind that you need to take fights seriously, chins can and do fight to the death, so if at anytime blood is drawn it's no longer safe to try to bond those two chins. Some people even go as far as to say it's not safe to ever put the aggressor with any other chin.
Just like any other animals it takes time for Chin to adopt on his new environment. Give it some time and always keep an eye on him. Let me guess, you named him Goku because you are a fan of Dragon Ball Z?
Yeah, am a fan. Wife asked me what to name him, as a joke i said goku, and it stayed :D

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