Chin curious of Dog

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2011
My dog sleeps in my room and Carl (my chin's) cage is set up in there. My dog (chancey) is very...unhappy when we get a new animal. Not aggressive she just ignores them. Completley. Which is good in a way. Id never let carl out or even near chancey even if they were the best of friends. Its been 2 weeks sense we got him and my dog goes around the edges of the cage and picks up any food that has dropped out of his cage because carls a messy eater. He follows her along the cage inside and its insanley cute :bliss: and all but should i be worried about the interaction between them even though hes in the cage? Should i make my dog stop? :confused:
Carl might be following Chancey because he is afraid of her. I would stop the behavior; there's no point in putting that stress on Carl.
He sticks his nose out though? Wouldn't he be running away if he was afraid of her? Or maybe its a territorial thing.
dogs are predators. chins are prey animals. mixing the two is never a good idea. all it takes is one snap from Chancey when Carl has his nose through the cage bars to do some serious damage to Carl. I would make it so the dog cannot be in the same room as the chin, due to the chance of diseases being carried to the chin from the dog. i am one of those very careful people when it comes to my pets.
dogs are predators. chins are prey animals. mixing the two is never a good idea. all it takes is one snap from Chancey when Carl has his nose through the cage bars to do some serious damage to Carl. I would make it so the dog cannot be in the same room as the chin, due to the chance of diseases being carried to the chin from the dog. i am one of those very careful people when it comes to my pets.
